Wednesday 29 January 2020

Tamsin Ascends Snow Lord's Peak

A herd of tiny lizardmen crests the summit, the mass of them carrying the luggage and stores of our intrepid adventurer, Tamsin.

She dusts herself off, looks around and blows into her hands to keep them warm in the chill air.

This week's Snow Lord's Peak brought to you from Mount Assiniboine on the British Columbia/Alberta border

The Snow Lord emerges from the treeline with a polish lancer czapka propped precariously on his massive head. 'So what do you think? I got this from Pete, he was just here. Pretty fetching, isn't it?'

Tamsin gazes at him for a long moment, appraisingly,  'You look ridiculous.'

'Hmm, Lady Sarah said the same thing. Actually, I think it makes me look quite regal. Maybe if I get the rest of the getup it will, you know, tie it all together.' Tamsin, thinking silence is the better part of valour just arches a single eybrow and smiles. 

He daintily sets the hat down on a boulder and turns to her, 'So, you're here for your treasure I take it?'

'Yes. It's been a long journey and I'm curious to what you'd like me to do?'

The Snow Lord walks to the summit's edge, looking out over the island. 'Well, I hate to admit this, but I have a very bad memory, and for the life of me I can't recall why all of these strangers are traipsing around my island. They're scaring the locals,' he looks significantly at the milling herd of terrified lilliputian lizardmen, 'making a mess, and generally being a nuisance. Since you can travel through time, do you think you can cast yourself back and figure out how this all got started? Make me a scene of it in miniature, if you will.'

Tamsin smiles and brightly says, 'Got it. Toodle-Pip!'


Tamsin, we look forward to your time-travelling adventure to uncover one of the secrets of Challenge Island!



  1. Here I thought Tamsin was going to get an easy task like "paint an entirely new 15mm army"...

    1. But where would the fun and challenge be with that? ;)

  2. Lady S and I are definitely right about the czapka! :)

    This is going to be a fun project *evil grin*

    1. I don't buy you thinking scilence is the better part of valor.

    2. Sometimes silence accompanied by a disapproving/sceptical/exasperated look is worth a thousand words ;)

    3. I think Sarah would heartily agree with that assessment. Thankfully I am usually completely oblivious to such subtlety. :)

    4. Haha! I'm trying to picture Curt wearing a
      czapka while out walking the hounds ....

    5. What he really wants for doing that at this time of year is a nice hussar colpack, plus a dolman and pelisse :)

    6. Oh, dear, what have I started? ;)

  3. Good luck and have fun on this one Tamsin. Challngers (and especially Ray) beware of what she creates in your image in miniature.

    You'r right about the hat, but I can't for see you saying Toodle-pip!

    1. She only says it on every one of her minion flight reports...

    2. So she does, excuse the senior moment I'll go back to sleep no..snorkzzzzzzz

    3. I see I need to up Peters meds again

    4. I think you do, Nurse Docherty ;)

  4. WOW! What a task!! really curious how this turns out in the end. Good luck lady

    1. It's going to be an epic tale, I assure you :)

  5. Hah, great task. Have fun Tamsin!

  6. The "big bang" moment of the challenge? Now that's history I'm fascinated by!

  7. 🎈So exciting to see what your creative/evil mind comes up with🎈

  8. Revealed At Last! The Secret Origin of the Challenge! What It Is, and How It Came to Be!

  9. Great job Tamsin! And congrats on reaching the peak!

  10. @ Phil H - I plan to :)

    @ Sander - cheers! :)

    @ Jamie M - let's just say that it has nothing to do with physicists nor orgies ;)

    @ Lady S - You'll love the story I come up with to accompany the vignette :)

    @ Ev - I might not be delving back quite that far into the dim and distant past :)

    @ Samuli - thanks! :)
