Sunday 18 February 2024

From PeteF Greater Air Elemental - Nature (40 points)

My first Kings of War army was Forces of Nature and I still have a soft spot for the faction - intending to go back to it for a few games... if only I get some more models painted.  To that end here is a Greater Air Elemental, one of the stronger units in the game.

The model is cast in resin and available from Mantic Games.  Having prepared poorly for Challenge XIV, I didn't take enough time to deal with the joins in this model - hope they are not too obvious!

This is my first excursion with an airbrush!  ShawnD leant me his spray booth, brush and accessories and I tried it out.  Having being unable to get more than a spatter from it I fiddled with some settings and on the next try emptied the cup in about 20 seconds.  So I guess this airbrushing thing might take some study to get it right.

After hand brushing blue, airbrushing gray blue, then white with a hint of blue, then blue wash it got a heavy drybrushing.  The result looks OK for the gaming table and I'm looking forward to improving my technique.

Scoring:  this chonky monster stands 100mm high.  Maybe score as a 28mm vehicle for 20 points plus 20 for the library section for a total of 40 points?   

This proved a tough model to photograph - in the first attempts it still looked like a grey lump of resin - there's a decent amount of painting here - honest!

By Paul the Guest Minion

Welcome to the wonderful world of airbrushing! May your experience see you join the legions of fan bois who loves theirs so much they want to be buried with it, rather than be one of the frustrated, cussing masses who complain about unclogging it more than using it (I refuse to confirm which camp I am in :-)

May this big fellah fight well for you and enjoy the 40 points!


  1. A very dynamic model. Taking pictures of some colors can be more challenging than the painting

  2. Air elementals are surprisingly hard to paint.

  3. Great brush work and nature selection. Well done.

  4. Looks great Pete, sorry for the janky airbrush. Still looks amazing.

  5. Elementals are great for use in RPG's and you have used the airbrush very proficiently!

  6. Great looking elemental, too much like hard work spraying is for me. It doesn't help that I used to spray things for a living, so maybe they're connected!
    Best Iain
