Saturday, 22 February 2025

From BrianC: Zombicide, Halfling Wrestlers, Werewolves, Chicks and cloaks, and a BIG Baddie! (Heresy, Violence, Fraud, Treachery) (130pts)

 Hello all! There's still hope of making my goal! Ha! Awesome painted minis from everyone! Keep at it! Well, more of this and that again. Let's begin with the Dante's circles. 

The 6th Circle: Heresy

It was considered heresy to believe in witches and werewolves because only God can be the source of supernatural powers. So, this resin werewolf miniature from Next Level Miniatures will fit perfectly in this circle.

Next, my entry for the Seventh Circle: Violence is the Dungeons and Dragons 54mm miniature, Grey Render. I can't wait to add this Big Baddy to my fantasy tabletop miniature games!

The Eighth Circle: Fraud. Well, can't go wrong with the Reaper Metal Miniature Big Bad Wolf of Little Red Riding Hood story. "Grandma, my what big teeth you have."

The Ninth Circle: Treachery. One of my favorite backstabbers of all time is Walter White of the TV series, Breaking Bad! This is a Zombicide Promo Survivor miniature.

That will complete my Dante's The Abyss entries. Now, I must figure out what minis to paint for Dante's Paradise entries. Hmm. Ok, next are a couple of pesky Halfling wrestlers from the game, Rumbleslam.

Ok, I only painted one more Zombicide Black Plague Fattie/Brute. Ugh. I'm hoping to have more zombies soon!

Next, are some old plastic Reaper Bones Miniatures. Oof! 
Here is Nightslip:

Human Ranger, Mi-Sher

That wraps this turn-in up.

8 x 28mm = 40pts.
1 x 54mm = 10pts.
4 Circles   = 80pts.
TOTAL     = 130pts.

Why, hello Brian! That's quite a run through the Circles of Hell! You have chosen your entries well. The werewolf is great, I love his blood-stained paws, and the Big Bad Wolf hiding the head of its victim behind its back is rather hilarious, in a funny sort of way. I had never heard of halfling wrestlers before, but you have done a fine job with them. My favourite is the ranger though, I like the colour palette you have chosen and the dynamic pose. All these goodies bring you 130 points further towards your total, which I am sure you will achieve before the Challenge ends. Good luck!



  1. Great work touring your way through the abyss

  2. Great tour through the circles. Wonderful evil creatures. Well done.
