Wednesday, 12 February 2025

From BruceR: Final Greeks , Fire Giantess (110 pts)

This weeks post is the completion of my small Greek force for Midgard heroic battles.  I had plucked the whole force out of the box  where they had been for the last couple of years and went at them.  We planned to play Saturday and I figured I could get a 100-130 point force done for the fight.  So to add to the carnage I had 8 Athenian hoplites, 8 archers (probably Cretan archers) and a bag of Greek commanders to get table ready.

Armored Hoplites.  These are fun models.  I paint the shields separately and in a slight change I base coated white with my airbrush.  I used a mix of AP speed and acrylic paints.  After blocking in the colors a wash of sonicsledgehammer juice, some highlights and done.  The previous hoplites finished where given simply gold shields and I planned to order some LBM transfers when they sort out the process with Victrix.  The armored hoplites looks so good I felt the simple gold shield was not enough, so I tried my hand at painting the shields using patterns found on the Wargames Foundry site.  I think they turned out rather nice and for sure from 3 feet are good to go.  

Here are the 8 hoplites before the shields are added.

   With Shields:

Here they are ready to take the field on their magnetized movement tray.  

Next came the support troops.  Cretan archers.  These were also nice figures from Wargames Foundry.  I like the straw sun hats and a couple of metal helmets.  They also sport short stabbing swords for close action.  

These were quick to paint, with a tunic flesh, quiver, bow and hat/helmet.  Some procedure used here as the hoplites.  Nothing fancy, just get them on the table.

I did get two of these leader figures done for the game Saturday, the other two finished over the weekend and again tried my hand at freehand shield design.  

My Greek leaders:

I do have some side projects or just plain curves in the road.  I have been putting brush to this little princess for the last couple of weeks in between my Greeks.  She is a Reaper bones mini and I think Sylvain presented a few of this series of giants a time ago.  As a bones miniatures there are some mold lines that are very difficult to get out and I left some of them on rather than cut away other bits of the figure.  I'll live with that for gaming purposes.  I went with the coal skin color as she is listed as a fire giantess.  Orange and yellow for her hair, royal purple cloak, and many rubies.  She will be a nice surprise whenever a giantess is called for on the tabletop.  

Well that is a good week for me.  Painted, played a game and life is good.


20 28mm Greeks @ 5            =        100 points
 1  54mm+ Giantess @ 10    =           10 points

Total for the Wednesday crew    =    110 pts.  


Holy smokes, this is some more incredible brushwork! We have come to expect it from you perhaps, but still great to see! Your colorful Greeks look fantastic, but that Fire Giant really takes the cake, and your brush has captured all manner of excellent details. Excellent stuff Bruce.



  1. All your miniatures look great, but I'm especially impressed by the giantess. I like your choice of colors to express the fact that she is part of the fire giants. Nice brush work!

  2. Love the work on the greeks and allies. The giantess looks great - sometimes you just have to hide the mold issues with your paint scheme.

  3. Thumbs Up - fantastic painting ...

  4. Gotta love ancient greeks, and yours are very nicely done.

  5. Wow! I love this entry. The Greeks are absolutely marvelous but that Giantess takes the cake. Love the contrast between her dark skin and her armour/clothing. Beautiful brushwork.

  6. A fine bunch of fierce warriors! Love the hoplites and their leaders in particular

  7. Fantastic Bruce, brilliant shield painting
