Monday, 10 February 2025

From Kerry T: More Scottish spears (225 points)

Morning, afternoon and evening all

Last week I mentioned the problem of staying on track and not wandering off on a hobby tangent and starting something else. Hurray  - somehow I've managed it this week with more Scottish  for my 100YW/Scottish wars of independence project

Another Scottish schiltron

These, the first unit are more Antediluvian Miniatures Scottish spears.  from the "Wars of the Bruce Range"

Flags of war standards- Walter Stewart High Steward of Scotland

The spearmen in this unit look a little more poorly armoured than last week's entry and are mainly depicted in the padded gambeson.

Picture caption...
Answers on the back of a Warbases 120 x 60 base please...

I can't look...
Who farted?..
I told you not to eat that....
Be more careful, you could have had my eye out with that...
Look where you're going you wee Jessie...

No knights with these

Adding figures with an upright spear allows a unit with more depth

Most spearmen have a saltire badge sewed on the Gambeson

This second unit is from Medbury Miniatures, this is a superb range and these are from STL files that I printed. They really are lovely figures to paint, with easy to paint detail and folds. Thy weigh nothing and as a tribe follower their cost is minimal compared to their metal brethren and I can print so many!

There is such a variety of pose with these

The spears are printed plastic, they look good but may not be robust enough

Sir Gilbert de la Hay's banner

Never take a sword to a pike fight or a set of bagpipes for that matter

These really do need long bases to prevent breakage

I love these figures, there is so much variety but the downside is that all the pike are in this attacking pose, I'd love to see some with pike that are more upright and therefore allow me to build deeper units without resorting to other figure ranges

They seem to fit well with the Anrediluvian range, maybe a s little smaller. This is probably because they come without bases so I stuck them to some plastic bases to add to their height before the final basing on MDF.

What really surprised me is how easy these were to prepare compared to metal figures and even other plastic ranges, unfortunately though they still seem to run away

Once again thank you for looking, I hope to have more Medbury Miniatures from this range and the 100YW range soon

In summary

21 x 28mm Antediluvian Miniatures foot @ 5 points = 105 points
24 x 28mm Medbury Miniatures Foot @ 5 points = 120 points
Total 225 points

For the can opener side challenge

8 armoured figures @ 5 points = 40 points

many thanks


From Millsy:

Honestly Kerry, if you posted nothing else for the rest of the Challenge but more of these I'd be a happy camper indeed. They are just wonderful once again.

I can see why you enjoy these so much. The faces are so characterful and their kit is spot on. Painted up to your usual quality they are fit to grace any table and are a wonderful advert for Antediluvian and Miniatures.

Brilliant stuff mate. Keep 'em coming!



  1. Impressive paint job. I love the basing for the pikes, kudos.

    1. thanks, I'm glad I made a decision to get longer bases now

  2. Very nice mix of figures. The flag really sets the tone. Well done.

    1. Thanks Bruce, I think flags make a unit in any period!

  3. Just amazing Kerry. I'll echo Millsy - more please!

    1. Thanks Peter, I have quite a range to chose from, maybe knights or archers next

  4. Lovely work Kerry. I'm going to check out Medbury to further fuel my addiction.

    1. Honestly Curt they are so good and so easy to print off even to a new printer like myself

  5. Great work, always loved the massive bases for front rank pike blocks

  6. You are really making it hard for me Kerry these figures are so nice, if I don't end up buy some I'd be amazed, wonderful painting flags are great just an all round brilliant post

    1. Thanks Kent - go on, buy some, you know you want to! Go on, go on, go on, go on.....

  7. Thanks for the encouragement as always Millsy, cheque's in the post!

  8. Great painting and photography of the figures! Thanks for the post. Cheers Jez

    1. Cheers Jez, I just try and make sure there's plenty of light

  9. Awesome brushwork as usual Kerry - great stuff.

    1. Thanks the medbury figures seem to take paint so easily

  10. Superb looking figures Kerry. One of my favourite posts of the Challenge!

    1. Cheers ray, I'm really enjoying the start of this project

  11. Great job and well done staying on track

    1. Cheers Dave, you're the master at staying on track

  12. Kerry that is wonderful painting and very well based and setup. I do really like those Medbury miniatures. I have joined their Patreon - not because I had a specific project in mind - but because I want to support their great sculpts and very nice people.

  13. Thanks Richard, they really are worth supporting particularly as they are locals
