Sunday, 23 March 2025

From PeteB - I did it!

First of all I would like to thank Curt, Lady Sarah and the minions for organising this challence and all the good work they did for us. I also would like to thank the fellow challengers for all the nice comments and support I got. It was an honour to make part of this, and this for the first time! Can I sign in now for the next one? 😉

I did it! I never thought I could manage to reach my goal of 300 points but even when I do not count the points for the circles of the Divine Comedy I have a nice total of 305 points. So this means I painted some figures. A lot more as usual. Well here are the pictures with the whole lot.

The whole bunch!

And here the stars of the show from this challenge for me!

A starting figure to clean
the painting desk! 

Hagen Wild West Townsman.

Good old Airfix Medieval figures!

Lust by Valdemar!

Stronghold Terrain's Richard!

Music and dance by Dulcop French Infantry!

Very mad villagers by Weston Toy Company!

Some Crisis figures, Tijl Uylenspiegel and friends.

Crescent Sherrif of Nothingham.

My favorite 3D printed Plague Doctor!

Dulcop Robin Hood figure.

Waterloo1815 Roger's Rangers.

Jecsan Spanish Knights.

And a 3D printed Calamity Jane closed the door! 

If I counted them good I have painted 41 figures (12 x 20 mm; 6 x 28 mm; 23 x 54 mm). For me that is a whole lot in 3 months. In a normal year I paint about 100 figures. So this is a very good result!

Thank you all for watching!


  1. I really liked your 54mm figures!

  2. Very nice output, Pete, it was a pleasure to minion you and be the first one to see your pretty and intersting minis. I'll see you next year!

    1. Thank you for your nice words but also for the work you did as a minion!
      And hopefully I can join the next challenge again.

  3. Like Barks, I really enjoyed your 54mm entries. Well done Pete!

    1. Thank you for the nice words and for organising this challenge! Hopefully I can join the next one to.

  4. Nice work Peter! You deserve a vlaai 😉

    1. Thank you Sander! Come and get some "vlaai" in Arnhem June 1st! 😉

  5. Fine work, Pete! I loved your large figures, and your Lust vignette! And the Plague Doctor! And, and, and… Well done!

    1. Thank you Emjenic! Maybe some day we meet and have a talk about toy figures. We live in the same country! 😉
