Monday, 6 January 2025

From GeoffT: Heresy, Napoleonic Spectres (45 points)

Hello Challengers,

I know even less about religion than I do about photographing miniatures.  As such, for the Heresy theme I needed to look up what constitutes Heresy, and Necromancy is one of the Heretical activities.

A year or two ago I sculpted and cast my own Spanish Fusilier model with intent to use for Sharp Practice.  I wasn’t overly excited by the outputs, so didn’t use them for much.  However, the new Calabria supplement for ‘The Silver Bayonet’ game needed spectral soldiers, with spectral muskets.  These casting fit the bill well enough for something of moderate tangibility and substance.

Some may even consider the fusion of ‘the beautiful game’ of Napoleonics with fantasy gaming somewhat heretical.

Is nice to find a use for my home sculpted minis, even if it wasn’t as grand a plan as I originally envisaged.

5 x 28mm miniatures = 25 points

A bonus 20 points for being heretical.

These troops are raised by il Negromante, the big bad of the Calabria supplement, so I’ll claim they are from Napoleonic Necromantic faction for a squirrel.

This is also the sixth circle of hell I visited and the sixth squirrel I found there.  This says more about squirrels than it says about me.

Kind Regards


From Millsy:

Silver Bayonet is a great game for combining a love of history with fantasy. I think it's a more appealing option than Flintloque but that's mainly cost of entry from my POV.

It's wonderful that you've found a way to use your own scuplts. For me there's nothing wrong with them at all and sculpting is something I have never even been game to try apart from a few green stuff upgrades so kudos to you mate.

45 more points for your tally!



  1. Ooooh, that's a neat take on heresy . . . .

    I never really got into the Silver Bayonet, more because the faction packs didn't really fit my aesthetic for the period and less the heretical mixing of historical and fantasy elements. But I do like your work on getting these specters ready for the firing line!

  2. I'm fascinated to know what the squirrell reference is all about. I have a herd of them in my garden. Cool that you have sculpted your own figures.

    1. The 'Squirrel' is referencing a special 'paint challenge' some of us are competing in. Basically you get a 'squirrel point' whenever you paint up 25 points of a new-to-you faction. It essentially is a fun way of tracking all the crazy, wonderfully distracting projects many of us undertake in the hobby. But why squirrel? Here you go:

  3. Very nice figures, I would love to see the non-spectral variety too!

  4. Great use for your fine sculpting. Our group enjoys the horror aspect of The Silver Bayonet and have played through 2 of the scenario books and currently running around Egypt. Great fun enjoy.

    1. Yes, I too own and have played all the supplements. Heaps of fun. I also recommend ‘The Western Terror’, a fan made supplement by author Christian Cameron, set in the Pemican War. Available thru Guerrilla Miniature Games Patreon.

    2. Is one 4 game campaign, also set in Canada.

  5. Great to see some home cast figures!

  6. Those sculpts look good to me! The fantasy element plus only having to paint a handful of those ultra detailed uniforms is probably the only way I will paint Napoleonic figures.

    1. Yes, this is a real strength of ‘The Silver Bayonet’, the squads are 8 figures in different uniform, so appeals to those who like to paint only a few of each type of miniature instead of a lot, opening Napoleonics to more people.

  7. Well done Geoff, wish I had the ability to home sculpt

  8. Good stuff! I enjoyed your desctiption of heresy! :)

  9. Great interpretation Geoff! As always I love your home sculpts. Terrific work.

  10. sculpts look fine and well done on a great submission

  11. A perfect reuse for these figures, the look great.

  12. Well Done! I'm impressed by the DYI sculpts.

  13. Great looking sculpts and smart take on heresy!
    Best Iain
