Tuesday, 14 January 2025

From TomL, Battletech tanks & Fraud (94 points)

My second post will continuing on in the abyss as another Pulp Figures Gangland Gal guides us to the Eighth Circle: Fraud 

There we meet Sir Harry Paget Flashman VC, KCB, KCIE, the hero of Piper’s Fort, Balaclava, and Cawnpore, who by his own admission is “a scoundrel, a liar, a cheat, a thief, a coward—and, oh yes, a toady”.  Who better to represent Fraud?


I picked this up at an Adepticon a few years back but not sure who made it at this point. These were painted using Foundry, Reaper and Two Thin Coats acrylics.  Taking a break from the Abyss we have a Battletech vehicle support lance. 


These solid tanks have sturdy ball and socket turrets that rotate easily. These were painted using Vallejo Model Air paints, Vallejo deck tan drybrush and a light game color wash. I need more practice with my airbrush but it was fun to use it for something other than priming.  

These Catalyst Battletech vehicles are as oversized as the mech and fill their hex stands. These are 25 to 40 mm long and are 20-25mm wide.  I went with a 15mm vehicle for size. 
8 x 8 15mm vehicles  = 64
Fraud = 20 pts
2 x 5 28 mm figures = 10 points

Total:: 94 points.

Ahhh Harry, a fabulous connection to Fraud indeed Tom. Well played!!!!

- Paul


  1. Excellent "Fraud". Great little tanks.

  2. Very nice. The gangland 'squeeze' is excellent and Flashman as 'fraud' is spot-on.

  3. So perfect for fraud, well chosen.

  4. Flashman is fraud personified, excellent choice and a great figure!

  5. Nice work, and good call on Fraud.

  6. I think I like the Battletech tanks even ore than their mechs.

  7. Thanks all. Flashman leapt to mind immediately when I was reviewing the stops.
