Friday, 14 February 2025

From JP: Rattray's Sikhs and odds and ends (65 points)

These chaps started life as Jacob's Rifles for Maiwand -  that was the plan... But I found I was more interested in the Malakand Field Force and so they eventually morphed into Rattray's Sikhs, a distinguished unit. It just took a little fiddling with the paint job.

Along with them is the soon to be well known reporter fo the Portsmouth Funnel Times, Winston Jeremiah Eccles along with a couple of shifty Pathans (by Foundry)he has hired to keep him out of mischief.

So, a basic claim this week:

13 x 28mm figs =  65 points

They are destined for 'Sword and the Flame' and 'Triumph and Tragedy' games.

As ever, thanks for looking!

Nice work, JP! I had never heard of the  Malakand Field Force, but a quick Internet search brought some light in the darkness. Your models seem to suit these very well, and you have done a fine job with them. Compared to the traditional vibrant red coats, late 19th century troops can be a bit drab, but your painting has brought these to life. I love your War Correspondent! I wonder whether he will make it to Prime Minister some day... Well done, 65 points added!



  1. Well done. Interesting background.

  2. Liking those darker colours


  3. Great painting in these. I am definitely going to use this color scheme.

  4. Great work JP! Inspiring stuff for this setting.

  5. Very nicer work on them and I do like the correspondent - hopefully he'll file some good reports from the field.

  6. Wow, Maiwand to Malakand! Gotta love some Sikhs. Watch that correspondent, he may have ambitions…

  7. Excellent looking Sikhs, nice work!
    Best Iain

  8. Thank you for your kind comments folks!

  9. Ooo...the Malakand Field Force. Will you be doing a figure of 'that fool on the grey'? Great work, JP.
