Tuesday, 21 January 2025

From GregB - Let Slip The Dogs Of War! (150 points)

The Alcatani Fellowship march forth, accompanied by the beautiful and dangerous Lucrezzia Belladonna. These are all old metal figures from GW's "Dogs of War" range. 

Very excited for this week's submission, as this kicks off a project which has been "in the works" for quite a while! Here we have the mercenary pikemen of The Alcatani Fellowship accompanied by notorious hireling sorceress Lucrezzia Belladonna. These are all old metal figures from GW's "Dogs of War" figure range for Warhammer Fantasy Battle. These are very, very old figures, more than 20 years old. 

The "Dogs of War" were a faction GW released for their Warhammer Fantasy Battle game, comprised of mercenary units and characters from the region of Tilea in GW's Old World fantasy setting. Sculpted by the amazingly talented Perry twins, the "Dogs of War" were one, in my opinion, of the most creative and most fun factions that GW ever released. GW came out with a wide assortment of Mercenary regiments and characters which could be added on to offer a creative twist to your existing army or could come together on the table as an all-mercenary force. The Dogs of War were the first Warhammer Fantasy army that I ever collected and painted. In fact, I was playing that army at a tournament in Winnipeg when I first met Curt back in 1998/1999.

The classic army book!

Later, I sold that old army and moved on to other things. How foolish of me! But the fond feelings for this old collection never left me, and with the help of, and inspiration from, Dallas, I started to hunt down these old figures on eBay. Not the easiest or most economical endeavor...but by late 2023, I was ready to go! In fact, I thought it would be a primary project for AHPC XIV. But there was just one problem...I moved house mid-Challenge...and so the project was postponed...

But the AHPC is back, and I was careful to put all of my carefully assembled Dogs of War bits aside, ready for this edition of the Painting Challenge...and here we go!

The Alcatani Fellowship

A 24-figure pike block ready for action! Many thanks to Byron for the awesome tray...

A group of farmers who lost their crops and livelihoods (presumably with no Tilean equivalent of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy to help them) and were forced to turn to the mercenary life to earn a living, the Alcatani Fellowship represent the more communal, lower-cost end of Tilea's mercenary service offerings. They are lightly armoured, of middling fighting capabilities and the character leading the unit, Rodrigo Delmonte, is a fairly average fighter. For all that, they have one attribute that sets them apart on the Warhammer Fantasy Battle tabletop...they have pikes!

A view of the ranks...nice variety of poses, but it makes assembling a larger unit a bit tricky as you need to find some specific poses...that was easy in the late 90s, but is trickier on eBay today.

The world of Warhammer Fantasy takes so much inspiration from late Renaissance-era Europe, but the pikes were oddly missing from the figure range. They had been in the rules, but you did not see them on the tabletop. The Empire had halberdiers, swordsmen, spearmen...but no pikes. The Dogs of War changed all that. Many of the initial wave of the "Regiments of Renown" were pikemen, and any Dogs of War army would be built around two or three of these pike-armed regiments. 

This one figure holding his helmet came among the blister packs...I thought it was nice to have one non-conformist in the ranks...they are mercenaries after all...

This was so fun because even very established players had seldom encountered pikes on the table. The rules reflect the effects of the weapon very well, but this would take even established Fantasy players by surprise. The pikes are particularly murderous against cavalry (as you would expect), and so it was always great fun to encounter Brettonian players, with their insufferable and unstoppable knights (which often have special rules compelling them to charge any target they can reach), have their faces fall off as their stupid noblemen charge right at the pike blocks and directly into oblivion. 

A solid core unit for a "Dogs of War" army. 

This solid 24-figure block of Alcatani pikemen is a great basic building block for a mercenary force - modest in their fighting ability, but murder with their pikes. You can try and wear them down with missile fire - and thus sparing other, more dangerous fighting units from that effect - or you can charge right at them...and see how you like eating 24 pikes before you ever get to strike a blow...these fellows will serve as an excellent foundation for my renewed Dogs of War collection. 

Lucrezzia Belladonna

"What a lovely day for a ride..."

All Warhammer Fantasy armies must wield magic in some way in order to be successful, and the mercenary armies of Tilea are no exception. While the rules allowed for you to simply designate any of the (at the time) widely available different human spell-casting figures as a hireling wizard for your mercenary force, the Perrys did sculpt one Tilean-specific figure - the alluring and dangerous Lucrezzia Belladonna. 

Lucrezzian rides at ease...but her magic skills are not to be trifled with. And say, does this drink taste a little funny....?

"The most beautiful woman in all Tilea, and some say even the Old World, is Lucrezzia Belladonna. She is also the most dangerous to know! Lucrezzia is a renowned sorceress and rumored to be an arch-poisoner and mistress of many assassins!" Lucrezzia has been married seven times, as suitors from across Tilea, and even the Old World, are drawn to her, um, significant assets. I think she should do the trick for the "Lust" bonus category. 

A super-fun sculpt to paint up!

Lucrezzia is a powerful wizard and fun special character to use as part of a "Dogs of War" army, and I thought it would be great to have her as part of this nostalgia project. This is a tremendous sculpt, with all sorts of great details. I took a fair bit of extra time with this figure in an effort to capture these details...I got some of them, maybe not so much others, but this is a fun, unique sculpt and I'm glad to have Lucrezzia Belladonna in this collection.


Ok, for scoring we have:

24 x 28mm foot figures - 120 points
1 x 28mm mounted figure - 10 points
"Lust" bonus - 20 points
Total = 150 points

Thanks very much for reading. It has been a pleasure to share this project with fellow Challenge participants, and I hope a couple more "Regiments of Renown" will cross the painting desk before AHPC XV concludes! 

Well these ARE a treat Greg - classic Old Hammer Dogs of War done up beautifully! Of all the Regiments of Renown they made, this was one of favourite sets of scultps - you've done them fine justice with your brush

And Lucrezzia Belladonna is quite the Lady of Renown to lead them too. I'm mean who WOULDNT want to follow her? 150 points well earned!

- Paul


  1. Oh wow, this is really fantastic Greg. I have very fond memories of first meeting you at that Warhammer tourney, chatting about Napoleonics as you slowly dismantled a Brettonian army in pauses in the conversation and sips of Coke.

    You've really done these beautiful, venerable castings proud (that hedge of pikes is marvelous). But the Chef's kiss has to go to Lucrezzia. Lovely brushork my friend! I particularly like how you've done her eye shadow, tiara and lipstick (all of which are somehow poisonous) - very alluring and dangerous indeed. I look forward to seeing more!

    1. Cheers dude - super fun to share the nostalgia with you!

      Man, that Brettonian player could NOT believe the pikes... "really, all four ranks fight? and they go first?" good times...

  2. Those models look superb dude. Lucrezia looks especially fantastic, great work there. I also really like you non-conformist bareheaded pikeman! Is this a fantastic Challenge contribution? "The man from Del Monte says yes" :-)

  3. Excellent flash from the past and present Greg. These are a great force and the dogs of war were. I hope to see more of your regiments (dwarven pirates, mounted hobgoblins from the khan, assassins) Looking forward to it, I think one of the crew here still has many of the same. Cheers.

  4. Brilliant - my favourite challenge entry so far - well done Greg - I remember looking at these in a GW shop more tan 30 years ago - fantastic that you've been able to acquire them and I'm looking forward to seeing this project evolve

    1. Thanks Kerry - I'm hoping to run a few more units through before this edition of the Challenge ends...fingers crossed!

  5. Beautifully painted classic figures. Always a great feeling when a project long held is finally brought out and painted.

  6. Well Done! Thanks for the dose of nostalgia, and congrats on cobbling together a Tilean force all these year after the Old World became even older.

    1. Thanks Steve - glad you enjoyed the submission!

  7. They look wonderful, Greg! I like you are revisiting a past army. The fellowship look grand, but I really like the stunning Lucrezzia! I love the poisonous green boarding on her horse and the red spot colors everywhere...especially as most poisonous plants take that hue in early autumn. Very well done on her!
    I have some besiegers, republican guard, and volonds venators kicking around mostly from blister packs should you need some more reinforcements . Just let me know!

    1. Cheers David! I'm always open to offers on old blister packs!

    2. No fee needed, but I would like to see you paint them! I will dig them out of the mountain of neglect! You can send me your address by using darthbrom@gmail.com or via Curt. 😉

    3. So awesome David. You rule.

  8. Very nice paintwork, these are indeed rare pieces but you have done a worthy job on them.

  9. Superb! Great to see these classic figures getting the time and effort they deserve.

  10. Oh man, this is like reading a cherished old copy of white dwarf…. Absolutely outstanding, looking forward to the next unit.

  11. Great looking force, Greg. Lots of character in those sculpts. Well done.

  12. Wow Greg, fantastic work on those pikemen and the fine lady!


  13. Greg you bastard! These are drop dead gorgeous and make me so sad I sold my Lucrezia model and the army book back in the day! Anyway it's great to see you use the scheme from back whenthey werereleased but your own excellent paint skills!

  14. Replies
    1. Cheers Barks! No skullz unfortunately...

  15. Wow! Excellent work, that Lucrezia is absolutely breathtaking!

  16. Superb stuff Greg. I was never into WHFB, but these lovely figures have got me questioning my life choices!

  17. Fantastic work, Greg! The pike formation looks so formidable.

    I like how you rendered Lucrezzia. I painted a casting of her way back in the day for the sculptor. There's so much cool detail on the figure.
