Thursday, 13 February 2025

From RayR: Retreat from Moscow - Duchy of Warsaw 2nd regt Voltigeurs (35 points)

Yes more Retreat from Moscow figures and my 3rd post of the day!!!

This time around its more from the 2nd Duchy of Warsaw regt, but this time its their Voltigeurs.

All but one figure, the chap with the blue hat on the right, are from Murawski Miniatures again. I needed another figures in a Czapka, but didn't have one, so I raided the Perry minis box and pulled out this chap, wearing a civvie hat. Their commander is also a Murawski mini, although in my opinion he's not the best looking figure, compared to the other figures in their range, he looks like he's been sculpted by errrr me!
Its mainly his face to be honest, I should have chopped his head off and replaced it, poor chap.

Rear shot!

Only 35 points for these 7 figures, unless Teemu wants to give me any extra for the warm looking blue blanket, the chap in the front is cuddling?? 

TeemuL: Not very French to procrastinate on chopping heads off, isn't it? The chap in front, cuddling his blue blanket doesn't look that chilly, there should be more snow and frost on him to get any bonus points! :) Other than that, the usual quality from you for this project, another 35 points are yours.


  1. Great work Ray! And I have to tip my hat to your desperate pleas for extra points...maybe you need to hire a lobby firm? :)

  2. 3rd post of the day - very impressive! Those troops look great too.

  3. More terrific Great Retreat figures. Wonderful work Ray!

  4. That army is growing while with the real retreat it went the other way! 😊🥶
    Great work again Ray! 👍

  5. Move lovely figures that are making me feel cold!

  6. Always need troops sporting czapkss. Well done Ray.

  7. Ray you must have quite a good collection of these now. Will be great to see them all together at the end.

  8. Thrills and chills! Great stuff.

  9. Great stuff Ray, Voligeurs are so iconic

  10. Lovely work Ray, is it a poor sculpt or a broken nose?
