Thursday 12 March 2015

From PaulS - Missed opportunities and Bloody Sands (90 Points)

So, we're nearing the end and weariness has started to set in. I have no idea how those of you up near the top keep up the pace, I really don't! I'm in awe. Also, terrain bits turning up in the post may have distracted this week!

Anyway, last week I painted up the figure for the anti-hero challenge, but at the last minute decided the paintjob wasn't good enough. A few gentle glazes to blend together some of the rougher transitions here he is, a little bit late and 50 points less than he would have been last Monday (damn you perfectionism!!). I present... John Constantine (on the left).

You can see in this photo that he's based on the other Curtgeld model, Spike. A bit of greenstuff later and we have the master of magic. Not always the nicest of men, but someone you want on your side if things start to go a bit pear shaped. Curt, it is up to you if you want Spike or John as your prize for this year. Or... you can have both for an extra 50 points ;)

In a different scale and a different time period, I've also finished the other 5 gladiators, which means I now have two familia for Jugula! *woo!* that is probably the first game that I have ever finished every model I own for it and had two playable forces!

Finishing off Familia Callainus we have our Retairus

Here he is with the rest of his posse from last time

And in the other, rather bloody corner we have Familia Purpura

You can see from these photos, I decided I'd had enough of the domed shields and those not quite stickers, not quite transfers, so the Purpura Velites has a larger, rectangular shield. Historical accuracy be damned... Even with these much simpler shield shapes and surfaces the transfers were still a pain in the backside. If I never have to use those transfers again I'll be a happy happy man. 

I also realised I've never actually demonstrated how chunky these gladiators are, so here they are against Constantine. Beastly!

So, that is 5 40mm gladiators and 1 28mm figure for you this week. 

From Curt:

Oh, no contest. 50 points is a small price to pay for both Constantine and Spike.  Consider me well and truly bribed!

Congratulations on getting all of the Jugula gladiators done. They look brilliant (and very chunky)!  Nonetheless, Constantine would TOTALLY own that Retairius without even taking his hands out of his pockets.  :)


  1. Shenanigans! I call shenanigans! Shame on you Curt! :p *

    Nice work on the familia and Constantine :)

    * then again, I may be making a similar offer now that I know our Lord High Judge is eminently corruptible :)

    1. Shamelessly corrupt, I know, know...


    2. Dammit, I should have pushed for 1000 points ;)

  2. Excellent painting! Love the Retarius' net.

  3. I really do like the chunky gladiators. Quite possibly the best gladiators I have seen. Real Barleymen.

  4. Shocking example of corruption in high places. Nice figures Paul, I like the brown coat and the gladiator is very nice.

  5. Enjoyed the first Glad's and the second set keep to the high standard you set


    1. Thanks! I'm glad to be done with those transfers though

  6. Really great, the gladiators are fab

  7. Nice work on Constatine, the conversion turned out really well!

  8. Nice looking bunch of figurs! The gladiators came out particularly well.

  9. Lots of character, these are great!

  10. Great bunch of painting. Cheers
