Monday, 4 January 2016

From AdamC 28mm Zobies and Ghouls for Frostgrave (40 points)

But wait there's more.....

Eight Undead from North Start which I got as part of my Secret Santa Gift this year. These will work as Zombies or Ghouls in Frostgrave.
As with the Skeletons we have one bursting out of the ground.
All of these guys have interesting skin texture some with bones or organs protruding.
These two are armed so they will be my primary Ghouls who in Frostgrave are people driven mad and made undead because they had to eat zombie flesh. They retain some intelligence and some of them use weapons.
Note the spike in the arm and the grisly bag of rations, trophies or spare parts this guy is carrying (best not speculate too much on what they are for).
Three more zombies the middle one built from the cultist parts with a zombie head.
 I tried to go with a colourful plate for the undead rather than put them all in grays and blacks.
The gruesome duo on the left we have a zombie who is holding his own(?) head and the other shows a nice look at his intestines.
All in all this should be another 40 points for my total and a nice addition to my Frostgrave total I now have a nice collection of undead to terrorize war bands with or serve as zombie support if I run a Necromancer.
Wow, third posting for Adam today.  Great work at the paint desk.  I like the undead skin tones and the figure arising from the ground.    "shows a nice look at his intestines", not a phrase heard much out of anatomy class.  40 points for these undead


  1. Thanks I had fun painting them.

  2. A fine body of men! Or should I say, fine BODIES of men...

  3. Nice undead guys Adam! :)

    They're actually from Mantic's "Kings of War" range, rather than Northstar.

  4. I like your take on the skin tones.

    I made up the same sprue in anticipation for the Challenge - Tamsin's right, they're Mantic.

    1. Well these came from North Star and were called Frostgrave Undead Encounters... so if I am wrong it's a reasonable mistake

    2. It's quite possible that they've licensed them from Mantic rather than having their own produced.

    3. Actualy the descriptin of the produce does say they are Mantic:

      I had simply missed that perviously

  5. I need to get my hands on a set of these one of these days. I've been kicking around an idea of painting up ghouls with severe cases of frostbite, but I love the colors here and I really like how you've mixed it up with Cultist parts.

  6. Very nice, it's a great frost grave collection that you have now.

    1. Yeah its a nice set of figures, I have to get them a bigger box to live in between games

  7. Frost grave is all the rage! keep them coming Adam. The horde must be getting near completion. Any chance of a group shot when it does?

    1. Yes there well be an end of challenge frosgrgrave group shot.

  8. Wow.. nice work.. and with all this Frost Grave talk kicking around, I might need to be getting myself that book to see what it is all about! Then I come back for some great inspiration here! :D

    1. I hightly recomend the game, my blog has a review of the rules, and many game reports you can check out.

  9. Very nice work, the zombies buried until the knees in snow!
    Evreybody talks about Frost Grave, must force myself to at least take a look, although I'm not fan of non-historical games

    1. Its an excelent skerimish game and you could easily adapt it to other setting.

  10. You're firing on all cylinders Adam!

  11. Great painting work, really nice colours!

  12. Who doesn't love zombies? Cool figures, nicely done.

  13. They do look like a foul smelling gang! Some pretty gruesome troops! I am a fan of the varied color clothing, being undead is enough to tie them all together! ;)

  14. I'm getting a Game of Thrones vibe here.
