Thursday, 13 February 2025

From PeteB: Gluttony, Greed, Wrath and some other figures (143 points)

I couldn't post last week, so now I have a bit more things to show. I managed to finish three circles of "The Abyss", a Dulcop Robin Hood figure and some 20 mm figures. Let's start with the circles.

Gluttony - Paul Hicks - Lamme Goedzak and friends - 28 mm - 35 Points

These figures are the CRISIS 2017 Antwerp figures. For those who has been there they know there was always an entry figure in the goodie bag. That year it was Tijl Uilenspiegel and you could buy two extra figures and a base. And one of the extra figures was Lamme Goedzak, a man that like food and wine very much. Two things on the figure point in that direction, a spoon and a rabbit. the third figure is Nele, girlfriend of Tijl. For this circle I couldn't seperate them. 

Unpainted figures

- Gluttony                        = 20 Points
- 3 x 28 mm foot figures = 15 Points
- Total                              = 35 Points

Greed - Crescent - Sheriff of Nothingham - 54 mm - 30 Points

This figure made by Crescent joined the gang of Prince John for more power and fill his pockets. That's why I choose him for thsi circle. You can find him as an original Crescent figure but also from Kellogg's. Only the markings under the base can make that clear. This one I'm showing is original. I only have the Kellogg's figures complete and unpainted. This one had some paint on him so now he looks better. The color pallet I took was random. 

My collection.
Top = Crescent, 3 figures missing.

- Greed                   = 20 Points
- 1 x 54 mm figure = 10 Points
- Total                     = 30 Points

Wrath - 3D - Plague Doctor - 54 mm - 30 Points

The plague was also known as "The Wrath of God" and therefor this doctor is the ideal figure for this circle. The figure is a 3D print (no brand) made by a German friend of me. I paint these figures for my wife because she reads everything that has the plague as subject. The first one was from Speira Miniatures (= link to my blog) and since then I collect and paint them for her. Second one can be found here. I have some more to paint but not now.

- Wrath                   = 20 Points
- 1 x 54 mm figure = 10 Points
- Total                     = 30 Points

Dulcop - Robin Hood Merry Man - 54 mm - 10 Points

I couldn't paint that villian of Nothingham without one of the heroes to give some resistance. An old Italian figure, hard to get like the Napoleonic figures. Lovely figure to paint and I'm happy with the result.

- 1 x 54 mm figure = 10 Points

Waterloo1815 - Roger's Rangers - 20 mm - 38 Points

These figures were lying way to long in a box unpainted. I've got one sprue of these from a swap with a friend. When I started on them I saw two figures with snow shoes and the other eight without. So I based two groups on gras and the others in the snow. I base these figure only for storage as I'm not a wargamer. A review of these figures can be found on Plastic Soldier Review.

Snow is from Games Workshop.


I've painted the edges of the bases red to mark them as British troops. I know that the rules say that a lying figure is only half of the points, and I counted him that way, but I'm not sure that the figure is really lying. I've painted the whole figure before it was put on the base because most of the equipment he's wearing is visible. I let it to Teemu to make a decission.


- 9,5 x 20 mm figure = 38 Points

The whole bunch of this post! 😊

Final total:

- Gluttony                       = 35 Points

- Greed                            = 30 Points

- Wrath                            = 30 Points

- Dulcop figure                = 10 Points

- Waterloo1815 figures    = 38 Points

- Total points of this post = 143 Points

Thanks for watching and have fun!

TeemuL: Wonderful and varied entry, I especially like your Sheriff of Nottingham and the Plague Doctor. Great colours on them! No issues with the others, either, I find your brushwork pleasing my eyes. Quite a grab of bonus points, too. I'll give you full points for the half lying mini, because 1) you say you fully painted him and 2) I'm the bestest of minions.


  1. What a colourful and varied collection Peter -- and the muted tones and finish work especially well on those larger figures

    1. Thank you Simon! You're to kind! 🙂‍↕️

  2. Crazy mix of scales and ranges! Think the Sheriff of Nottingham idea for Greed is perfect and really like the Plague Doctor too!

    1. Thank you Jez! That Sheriff was inspiration of the moment. 🤑😃

  3. Lovely stuff all around. I think my faves are Robin and the Sheriff, they look like the figures I used to fish around for in the bag of cereal back in the day.

    1. Thank you Peter! Those figures are the same as you picked out that pack of Kellogg's. So it was you who collected all those figures? 😮😉😃

  4. What a wild mix Pete! I love the Rangers, but the plague doctor - always a chilling sight - takes the cake for me. Great work.

    1. Thank you Greg! Looks like the Plague doctor gets teh most votes.

  5. Wonderful work! Funny, I was at Crisis that year and have that very same set (yet to be done sadly). I think you may have inspired me to move them up the queue! :)

    1. Thank you Curt! Do it! 😃
      And maybe one day you come to the new version of CRISIS. It was good last year. 😉👍

  6. Thank yo Teemu, the bestes minion 😃, for the extra points. 👍
    I'm pleased to hear that you like my brushwork! 🙂‍↕️

  7. A great mixed bag of figures Peter!!! I do like the Plague Doctor!

  8. Excellent work on these varied miniatures. Well done.

  9. What a wonderful and eclectic mix! Very well done indeed

  10. They're all nice - but I am really taken with the plague doctor

  11. Great work on this eclectic collection Peter. Specially like the Plague Doctor

    1. Thank you Paul! 👍
      Looks like the Plague Doctor is the winner of this post! 😁
