Saturday, 16 January 2016

From DaveD - Return of the Fuzzies...(175 points)

Its been a a good week for painting, most enjoyable and needed, although very little completed of what was actually planned, but you know how it goes. Today's final post sees ongoing progress for what I think is the 5th consecutive Challenge committed to the building up of the armies of the Mahdi. These are Perry plastics and few metals. I have painted so many of these blighters over the years I think I could do them in my sleep - but then sometime that's what you gotta do to feed the megalomania - Mahdists hordes don't create themselves .

This top up takes me over 900 foot troops with 1000 target in the distance not too far away.

I had hoped/planned for an opening mega game last autumn, but circumstances saw that cancelled - but with a fair wind this winter season should see it become a spring time reality. 

 34 Beja and an Emir commander.

Right, now what was I supposed to be working on ? .... aah yes something hairy, smelly and spitting for Tamsin... no I don't mean Ray....

Oh and I must say a big thank you to my erstwhile companion in banter Millsy for enquiring about my health (or was it sanity?) due to nothing being completed. Thanks Millsy, it really helped in what was a difficult period.

Cracking work Dave!  I've been proud to have the Challenge, in a vicarious way, help fuel this Mahdist Megalomania you've been exercising these past few years. So, over 900 Mahdists now. Whoah. It will be truly glorious to see this entire collection being used in a game. I look forward to the after action report of that epic day (or perhaps weekend)!
That was a good Saturday's effort Dave - It's great to have you back with us!


  1. Great work Dave - always nice to see the Docherty machine cranking into action...

    1. Why thank you, at least I haven't in gear now

  2. Nice Fuzzies, but they don't like it up 'em Mr Docherty, they don't like it up 'em! :)

  3. Dave
    Great looking hairy horde! Cheers Peter

  4. Lovely additions to the mad mob.
    Thats going to be one heck of a set of forces when you are done!

  5. Nice one, these look great!

  6. Welcome back. Good to see you back on form. As always great work

  7. I was impressed with them last year, they still impress a year later. Excellent and only 100 to go!

    1. Thanks Clint...I will be glad to get there I must say!

    2. What a great looking horde! Must be an inspiring sight to see a total of 900+ of these fellas arrayed for battle.

  8. Great to see more of these guys reach the challenge. I thought I was bad with the 6mm lol


  9. Fantastic painting work, they are really nice!!!

  10. Surely these are only worth half points Curt? He's done that many now he probably does them in his sleep! Truly you are a machine Dave and the quality never drops, not even one point. Amazing.

    > I must say a big thank you to my erstwhile companion in banter Millsy for enquiring about my health (or was it sanity?) due to nothing being completed.

    You're most welcome mate. To clarify it WAS health. I'd never inquire about the sanity of someone who can paint 900 mahdists!

  11. > I look forward to the after action report of that epic day (or perhaps weekend)!

    Something like this perhaps???

    Day One: Unpacking
    Day Two: Unpacking
    Day Three: Unpacking
    Day Four: Gaming
    Day Five: Packing up
    Day Six: Packing up
    Day Seven: Packing up

  12. Great work, Dave! Impressive painting, wonderful tones and quality, staggering quantity! Jealous!!

  13. Great looking Mahdists. I hadn't realized that they haven't been used in anger yet.

    1. Cheers, indeed saving them for the "big one"

  14. Grand work, Dave!
    Hmmm, do they even make a camera to catch that force in one shot or will you have to hire Mr Spielberg to film it!? ;)

    1. Oh the wide angle lens can just about cope

  15. There they are! Stunning return to the painting table Dave.

  16. Looks good but I am pretty sure you're not supposed to call them Fuzzies anymore :)

  17. Nothing can beat a horde of Fuzzies! ...welll...tell a lie, a gattlinggun could, or a Nordenfeld or two of 'em. OK so anyway quit a great deal of superb painting!
