Friday, 12 February 2016

Let the Friday Fun Resume...

Hi everyone! I see our excellent Friday group has already lined up a number of submissions for our enjoyment, and I look forward to posting them today as I huddle in the midst of an "extreme cold warning" from the clowns at Environment Canada...

And so, on to the submissions, and thank God it's Friday!


  1. We are in sigle digite (Farinhiet scale) here in Massachusets so I can only imagine how it is north of the boarder.

  2. Stay warm Gregster, it's a bit nippy here as well. Looking forward to the panoply of Friday submissions!

  3. Funny that we've had just about the warmest winter ever in 35 years...

  4. Keep warm up there! Though to be honest I'd rather take your cold than the weather we've had here now. After a week of -30 and heavy snowfall it's now been three weeks of +2 and heavy rainfall with the temps going below zero for the night. Makes for some interesting driving conditions every morning with a fresh layer of ice on the roads. Almost feels like our traditional summer ;)

  5. It's a balmy 35C here is lovely Oz today. :-)

  6. Gah! I've been out in it ALL day and more to follow Sat and Sunday! If you left your Brass Monkey outside...he is not going to be very happy! ;)
