Sunday 17 February 2019

The 'Water Feature' Theme Round is now UP! ...and Curt's Stricken Freighter

Hi All!

The 'Water Feature' theme round is now up in the gallery pageso please head over to take in all the entries.

This round was a little more thin on the ground with 33 participants, but I have to say that this did not diminish the quality of the work as there are some very cool entries to be enjoyed. Viewers will see a wide range of interpretations of the theme, from a desert oasis, and fortified island to a tramp steamer and water elementals. We're awash with all things splashy and wet.

After you've enjoyed in the gallery please take some time to vote for all your favourite entries.

Once again, Blogger has a glitch dealing with large uploads occurring over a short period of time. So, when you advance to view the next submission it may skip one or two ahead. Yes, it's a pain. Anyway, the way to ensure that you're seeing all the submissions is to use the list of posts on the right sidebar to advance through the list of entries. 

I admit I was a bit jammed for this submission as the week simply flashed by and I had absolutely nothing until last night. Nonetheless panic is often the mother of invention and I had a bit of inspiration while watching 'Das Boot'. So here I give you a poor stricken freighter, with a violent explosion amidships, soon to be adding to the tonnage tally for a U-Boat captain.

For the water spume effect I used the same 3D fractal model explosion that I used a few years ago for my exploding Star Wars ships

I sectioned the model into several pieces, switched them around, affixed four 'booms' to pennies to add a bit of weight and was off to the races.

The airbrush made fairly short work of them, with only a few layers of green and white added with the brush. Blamo-Presto: Water Explosions!

This mad bit of work also prompted me to finish my freighter that came with the Cruel Seas boxed set. Fairly stock work here, but I did drill out the stern deck to provide a magnetised mounting for a deck gun to be swapped in if a scenario required it. Sadly, the painting is a bit uninspired (I blame the rush) and it shows. Nonetheless, it's done and we have a juicy target for future torpedo/bomb runs.

Okay, folks! Have a great time checking out the gallery and start thinking about what you want to do for our last theme round: 'Fellowship'.


  1. Nice work on the ship and the spume :)

  2. Awesome work Curt, I really like those crue seas ships, very nice. I just printed a few of those explosions as well to work with.

  3. Really Nice! The ship looks really good to me but those explosions are so cool. Cheers

  4. Great piece Curt, using the explosion markers like this is inspired!

  5. Nice generic freighter. I need to use 'stricken' in general conversation more often.

    1. Recently I've been trying to use it at least once a day, along with 'behoves' (which also needs more airplay I figure). :)

  6. Nice freighter and explosions!
    Best Iain

  7. Beautiful ship and effects Curt!


  8. Excellent work my friend! It‘s quite impressive to see what can be achieved with 3D printers nowadays. Will make sure to ask you for advice when I should get me one myself.

  9. Great work dude - as always, your creativity, combined with the 3D printer, produces excellent results.

    The poor freighters...just trying to get the job done...

  10. Thanks for the comments folks, much appreciated!
