Thursday 13 February 2020

From DaveD - 15 mm Tanks - Hit the Beach 120pts

I am now fully into the swing of the 15mm part of the painting plan. So first up I have new items for my US 1944 ETO. Last year I played a large Utah beach game (Link here)and these items are to further enhance the invasion beach items.

So I have 6 classic Sherman DD’s (taking me to 10 in total now)

More units to add to my 70th Tank Battalion for Utah Beach

Following a conversation with JamesM of this parish we found some 3D print designs for  deep wading kits to add to the tanks. I was going to magnetise these so they could be removed , but in the end with  Battlefronts “Hit the Beach” set  being such good value (I ended up buying one and being given the Sherman's from 2 of them !). I just went with having more tanks!

So I have 4 with deep wading kits , 3 of those are also dozer equipped - they represent units from  70th Tank Battalion that landed on Utah Beach on D Day. There is also an armoured bulldozer to help clear those troublesome obstacles

I really like these , and I don't think I have ever seey any on a gaming table.
Nice to have something unique too.

Then as I had some M10’s spare (as you do - well I do/did...) I added wading kits to them . While they didn’t actually land any TD units on D Day itself , they just looked too coool .. so they will be in my next re run of the Utah beach game this summer.

So it’s 15 vehicles x 8 points = 120 points

The next lot of tanks are already lining the docks ready for departure to a blog post near you!

I played the Utah game, may have been the best game ever. Dave rocks up with a few tanks, there will be millions more, i wonder what the largest US vs German tank battle was as james has more than Dave


  1. Lovely looking amphibious armour!
    Best Iain

  2. Great stuff Dave.

    Where did the armoured bulldozer come from? That's a pretty cool addition to the group...

    1. It’s a battlefront flames of war D7 dozer .. I now have two!

  3. Fabulous work Dave! Your D-Day collection is absolutely stunning and these will fit in nicely with the rest. And of course I too have a few TD's sitting in a drawer... albeit in 28mm ;-)

    1. Cheers Nick. They do all need stowage stuff adding at some point , but I like to do that 1 or two at time to get some real variety - so that will be a separate post challenge project

  4. Great stuff Dave, these will help you clear the beaches in no time. Never let history stand in the way of a great model tank!

    1. Indeed I hope they will . Too right .. where would Hollywood be eh!

  5. Going with more tanks is always the better choice. Those wading kits really look great - I love the baffled exhausts as well. Ace!

  6. The Rule of Cool always trumps historical accuracy - and these are really cool!
    ; )
    Quite the force you have there, though I must question the lack of camels...

  7. Good to see the #notatanker!
