Sunday 16 February 2020

From TeemuL: 4 winds at Mudry's Mesa (51 points)

-There is a sign!
-Thank god we are finally there.
-Lady Wonger and her retinue will continue, we will land here, thank you very much, Lady Sarah.
-A nice mesa, but I hope those samurais are friendly...
-No worries, they seem to disappear to the four winds, just like the sign shows.
-Okay, nothing to see here, just a plain mesa. Take a closer look at a sign and decide where to go next. I want that treasure!

One option to enter Mudry's Mesa is any figure bought after the Challenge was announced. Well, I built this handy sign this week, so I hope it qualifies. It can be used almost anywhere, but of course it is very handy at Mudry's Mesa, since it shows the four different destinations next to Mudry's Mesa. But I'm sure there are lots of similar landscapes around the multiverse and time. I guess there is someone using some rules to play games on this Challenge Island, so some scenery is needed at some point. I'm not going to make any measurements, but boldly claim 1 point for the sign. It is based on 25mm round base and painted mostly with Contrast paints (I seem to paint pretty much everything nowadays at least partially with them...).

Just in case the jury is feeling strict about the rules, I throw in 4 samurais as well, arrived in mail earlier this month by YourModelBox. So if the sign is not accepted, these samurais (painted in Contrasts mostly) should do the trick. Here they are shown running to the four winds like mentioned above. Beware of samurai invasion around the island.

Here's another picture of them, neatly in line. Two running guys on the left are from Steel Fist Miniatures. The tall one in the middle is an exclusive model by Model Box, Yasuke the African Samurai - the first foreign samurai in Japan. The guy on the right is a Warring Clans Character by Footsore Miniatures. They are bit different scales, Yasuke being the tallest, but I based them in same way (but forgot to tidy up the base trims, need to fix that).

This is Yasuke, I like how the pinkish purple works with his darker skin and yellow and green equipments. I added some freehand to the cloak (or what it is called), since I have seen that samurai were not only colorful, but decorated as well. I'm sure the cloth would not fold that nicely to show the pattern, but it looks nice this way.

This is from Footsore Miniatures, bright and colorful chap ready to fight. His skin tone might be a bit dark, but paler than Yasuke anyway. He is almost much smaller and was provided with a thinner base. I tried to paint some triangles on his cloth, but after a while decided to keep it in one color.

These two are from Steel Fist Miniatures, they came with separate hands and heads. I used some contrasts and some rarely used metallic paints on these. Let me point out, that I have no idea about the colors, is there any meaning with them, any uniformity or any rules, I just picked some colors and painted what looked nice. My very quick research showed, that the colors used were not similar to what I have been used to in European history or in Fantasy settings. Their color schemes seem to match some Space Marine Chapters in their color oddity. But yes, I don't know much about the Samurais or history of Japan. I don't know what to do with these, but at least they are out of my unpainted mesa and matched this challenge requirement.

4 roughly 28 miniatures for 20 points
Mudry's Mesa bonus for 30 points
Sign for 1 point

Total 51, and then to think where to go next (three locations done).

Oh Lord send us a sign!  Excellent take on the Mesa theme Teemu.  I would have accepted the signpost on its own (love the Challenge island references BTW) but am happy to see the four samurai.      I have a lot of respect for anyone who tries Samurai figures, I am simply not up to the challenge.
Anyway enough blather -51 points it is.


  1. Terrific work, Teemu - the signpost will be especially helpful to those of us still struggling to get to our fourth location on the map!

  2. Wonderful work Teemu! I especially like Yasuke.

  3. Great looking samurai! Excellent work!
    Best Iain
