Saturday 8 February 2020

From TomM: Sander's Sand Dunes: For Hashut! (55 pts)

In this challenge, we daring adventurers need to paint up something red.

And as I am in the process of both restoring, rebuilding and adding to a Chaos Dwarf army for the 9th Age (well, Infernal Dwarves they are called there), the first 5 basic warriors are completed for this challenge leg.

The models, being from Mantic, have my old (classic GW) colour scheme copied on to them to the best avail, namely the red armour with blue clothing and details.

I might even complete the other 35 I have lying around during the challenge, but so much things to paint, and being the wargamer butterfly that I am, it is not simple to keep focus... so don`t count on it just yet ;-)

So these guys grant me 5 times 5 points for 28mm figures, and the 30 for the location putting a nice additional 55 on the counter.

The goal is coming in sight now!
Great work Tom.  I have always loved the big stove top hats that the old chaos dwarves wore.  They have such a distinctive style.  These new ones maintain a lot of that same character, and are from a much better game (in my opinion KOW is 100x better than AoS, but hey to each their own).

Nice to see your take on this classic look.  Keep those paint brushes flying!



  1. Lovely work on these vertically and morally challenged individuals.

  2. Great looking chaos dwarves
    Best Iain

  3. Lovely stuff, I know what you mean about having too much choice as to what to paint.

  4. Great looking unit, I like that you went with the old Skool look a lot!

  5. I find that doing a small unit first gives me a good idea about how to do a much larger unit, or in fact an army. Or two.
    I like the bases, nice idea to make them stand out.

  6. Oh man - Chaos Dwarves! I had no idea alternates like this were out there on the market. Nicely done.
