Thursday 7 January 2021

JeremyM, Imperial Guard

 Hi again everyone. I'm not sure I'll be able to keep up this pace much longer...especially because my week of vacation is nearing an end. But despite it being a vacation it was very work like considering how much painting I've been doing. I think it helped my motivation that I finally got my wet pallet working properly. I purchased one from an art supply store a few years ago and just used the included pallet paper. But having watched a few YouTube videos recently, I realized I should have swapped that paper out for parchment paper. What a huge difference, my paints flow so much nicer. If you haven't tried one well worth the minor investment in my opinion.

Well on to today's post which was actually a week in the making. At the start of this Curt and I agreed to a side challenge, the first to paint 100 points of 40k figures. Well I decided to actually start my painting challenge this year with them, and well I just kept going and going. However, in fairness to Curt who has a few challenges on his plate I thought I should pay my Curtgeld and actually get on the challenge board first before dropping these. But without further ado here are 40, Imperial guardsmen.

I have a small imperial guard scion kill team I had painted a couple of years ago that are a blue and tan scheme. So I decided to try and do something compilatory with my stock gaurdsmen. I went with a grey-blue scheme for their armour. It actually took 3 different tries with my current paints and finally a trip to the local model shop to find the right shade I was looking for. Drumroll please the winning paint was...Vallejo Blue-Grey. I know huge shock, but it was a eureka moment after my earlier too blue or too grey attempts. I'm hoping to blend these guys in with the more blueish scions with urban camo paints on all the vehicles.

Now apparently blue-grey guardsmen as a paint scheme already exists they are known as the "Vresh Grenadiers" in 40k lore. So I decided to stick with that. Here is my attempt at a bit of free hand on the flags. Its legible but then again my hand writing is hardly impeccable. 

The figures are all mixes of Games Workshop and 3d prints (which I would highly recommend for a guard army...seriously you need a ton of these guys). The bases are all 3d prints meant to look like they belong in a ruined temple. I thought they were rather fitting for the 40k gothic esthetic. Here are a couple of commanders and a radio man, and the next pic is of a medic and two wounded troopers. The wounded trooper with the helmet was my first attempt at 3d editing, it turned out decent considering I barely know what I'm doing.

Here are the special weapons teams, some plasma gunners, flamers, and a melta gunner.

And here are a few selections from the bulk of the regular troopers all armed with las rifles. I tried to paint a few different skin tones on all of them to break things up a bit. I'm not 100% happy with some of the skin tones but it was a good attempt I'll look to improve on with future figures.

So that is 40, 28mm figures which according to this thing called math puts me at 200 points for this post. So read it and weep Curt...or read it and consider your goal of lighting a fire under my butt to get some figures done as being a tremendous success! Thanks again for the incentive looking forward to seeing some more of your great Sisters of Battle models later on.



  1. Bravo! Well played Jeremy, very well played. These guardsmen look tremendous. I really like the blue-grey and tan scheme - that's quite sharp. I also really admire your temple bases. A nice way to tie the whole force together. I look forward to seeing them on the tabletop soon. Now, I should get your figure started... :)

  2. Excellent looking cannon fodder, er I mean upstanding members of the Imperium, Jeremy. As Curt said, the colour choices are really good and help give a bright clean look. I am sure they will die swiftly on the battle field.... oops sorry slipped again.... bring many victories to you on the battle field.

  3. Great colour scheme!

    I'm estimating about 60 skullz here.

  4. These are really nicely down - I threw in 2 extra points for the very nice and large banners

  5. I really like that colour scheme. Very effective!

  6. Excellent work Jeremy! Love the blue and the basing.

  7. Thanks everyone I really can’t tell you how excited I was to track down the right blue grey for this. Always awesome when your able to make things look like how you intended. Now here is hoping at least one of those ‘flashlights’ they are armed with can actually be effective,

  8. Well done Jeremy - they will last, what, two turns under fire :)
    Kidding aside, this looks great, and it is nice to see the painting mojo flowing. Congrats!

    1. Damn I better paint up another 40 if I expect to last an entire game!

  9. Great work on these noble, unsung heroes of the Imperium.

  10. The blue and tan scheme worked out really well on them It's a great looking force.

  11. Great looking guard. Well done!

  12. Love the colour scheme, they look ace!
    Best Iain

  13. A fantastic looking 200 points!

  14. Thats a lovely looking dollop of GW kit 👍
    Regards KenR

  15. They look great, I really like the colour scheme and the flags are marvellous! Were the 3d prints one piece prints or did you have to build them? They all look fine!
