Sunday, 21 February 2021

From SanderS: The Armory (60 points)


After traversing the dangers of the Hatchery, Arthur and myself have now come to the Armoury and what better to present to you than Battlemechs? Battletech is the Game of ARMOURED Combat after all! For those not familiar with the game check this site for the enormously deep background and universe: link

As I grow older and like to play more games that tell a story more then games that are played to winn, I tend to make forces of as many factions as I like to be able to recreate stuff from the books. Therefore I ended up painting two (incomplete) lances of mechs from the Capellan Confederation, led by the noble house of Liao. A lance is a unit of 4 Battlemechs, war-machines with enough offensive power to level entire city blocks. A company consists of 3 such lances and I am on my way to make 2 of those lances only needing 1 more mech. 

The colours I chose are those of House Dai Da Chi, which I liked for it's background story. If you look at the link I provided you will see the mechs painted in the Olive Green I used, but they should actually have been in a more jade shade of green. Oh well I like them.

Arthur is also totally mad about playing CBT, probably even more than playing Heroquest and is building a force for Clan Wolf in Exile for which he is using this captured Clan Jade Falcon (my usual faction) Pinion mech:

So that's another 8 figures of 28mmish scale (yeah I know that CBT is basically 1:286 scale but the mechs are just about as big as a Space Marine so there!) which makes for 40 points with another 20 making up the Armoury bonus. 

Might I suggest to the on-duty minion awarding 15 to Arthur and 45 to yours truly?

 Cheers Sander



  1. Classic models and cool painting!

    1. Yeah I need to finish a lot of the Oldies before I can get cracking on the new Kickstarter goodies.

  2. Very cool mechs here Sander, I used to love playing battletech and these certainly bring back memories.

    1. The game is still very much alive and the rules have only changed slightly. It's silly how many Piloting Skill rolls one has to make nowadays but Arthur has pretty much mastered the basics so anyone can learn it ;-)

  3. Good job Arthur! I like the blue bits💙🧙‍♀️

    1. Well it's certainly a change from the usual purple eh?

  4. Now that’s an armoury full of clanking metal - excellent job!

  5. Armoured indeed, great mechs and a fine colour scheme, geat work! And that is the best figure we have yet seen from Arthur, super! Wreed vet, eigenlijk. Of zoiets?
