Sunday, 21 February 2021

From MartinC The 3 Stooges and Friends (80pts)

 Hope you are all well. My 28mm Vietnam project is rattling along nicely. Like all projects it is growing out of control. What originally started as a small fire team scale action has grown to a full platoon of USMC (with additional support), 2 platoons of Vietnamese (with support), a helicopter and these beauties

These 3 M113 transports are from The Assault Group and are lovely resin castings. They are only £8 each. Looking a images there is little in the way of markings but all seemed to be named and these three are Larry, Mo and Curly.

they will provide useful support and transport and great targets for RPGs

It is also that time of the year when those random figures that have been painted up during the challenge but not posted get their time in the sun

1st up this 54mm Barbarian figure is from MrLees and is a beautiful figure

Really enjoyed painting it

Next we have Jesse "The Body" Venture fighting an invisible Predator. This is a great Hasslefree figure

It is always a great disappointment to me that these guns don't really exist in this form. They just don't make power cables long enough

Finally a random Grey Scale Landsknecht figure. Painted this when I doing the grey scale para.

Suited my sense of fun to paint the most colourful soldiers in the world in black and white.


3x28mm vehicles = 60
1x54mm figure = 10pts
2x28mm figures = 10pts


Right I have some USMC to paint


  1. Nice work Martin. Love the 3 Stooges.

  2. Lovely trio of light armour, the greyscale landsknecht is fun!
    Best Iain

  3. Great stuff Lee. The stooges rock!

  4. Good looking bunch there Martin!

  5. "Suited my sense of fun to paint the most colourful soldiers in the world in black and white."

    Lol... perfect!😁

  6. Great work Martin. Those APCs will come in handy if you reflect the the Diem regime change of '63. ;) I really like their names as well. The greyscale Landsknecht is perfect.

    1. cheers, the M113s were unplanned and I do love the Lansknecht

  7. Well done Martin. I always respect anyone who can manage to paint an M113 - one of the least inspiring vehicles ever produced...

    Great work!

    1. thanks, tey are boring but they were quick

  8. Love the M113 but Jesse Ventura is great fun!

  9. What a beautifully ecclectic mix of goodies Martin, great stuff!

  10. They are all great but I rally love the landsknecht. Even among birds of paradise there must be some dreary types I guess!

  11. Ho Ho! Love it! That old barbarian model doesnt get enough love, but you did a smashing job on him! Brilliant!

    1. cheers, needs the photo redoing but a lovely figure to paint
