Friday 12 March 2021

From NoelW: The Last Sorceress: (some points)

 “There’s more sand coming in under the door. And through the keyhole.”

“Another minute and there’ll be an Undead Assembly in here. We need that sorceress.”

“Okay. Okay. Don’t confumble me. How did Merlissa’s spell go?  Er – ‘Sorceress’. ‘Can you guess?’ ‘In a mess’. ‘Under duress’. ‘Atishoo! Bless.’ Will that do?”

In a puff of half-eaten Wensleydale sandwiches, a halfling sorceress appears before them.

“Hey!” she says. “Brunchtime, gents. Give a halfling a break!”

“You’re not Sarah the Sorceress,” complains Elfbow. “She’s twice the woman you are.”

“I take it you don’t want any transport, elf,” says the halfling, recovering lumps of cheese from the floor.

Titchy is mesmerised.  

“Wow!!” he says. “A last. We’ve truly found it. Her. You. You must be the Greatest Treasure the World has Never Known!”

“You can give him a slap, if you like,” says Elfbow.

“No time for flirtation,” urges Getrude, “We need help and now!”

The half-sorceress sighs.

“As you appear to be in dire need, at your wits end (“Not far to travel,” says Getrude.), desperate for help and about to be overwhelmed by your undead little friends, I’m guessing you’d like to make best speed to the Altar of the Snowlord?”

“Can we just go?”


I know that technically I don’t need to call on another Sorceress to get to the Altar, as I’ve now covered the entire dungeon so could backtrack, but if you’re trapped in a Treasury with undead filtering through the door, I think a sorceress is definitely in order. In any case, I’d painted up this rather nice, if coy, Mithril halfling maiden, so I thought I might has well recruit her for the rescue. Unusually for me, the colours are rather subdued, though not quite drab. An accidentally pleasing outcome, in fact.

She’s obviously not really a sorceress figure, though, so I don’t think I can claim that bonus. Does that mean 5 (as I didn’t actually need to call her), 20 (for calling her nevertheless) or 25 points (for both the calling and the figure)? You decide!


  1. Really nice figure and really nice work on those subtle shades on green

  2. Fine work! The subdued green of her dress came out nicely.

  3. nice work on the green and a lovely figure


  4. Lovely looking non sorceress!
    Best Iain
