Thursday 23 December 2021

From SanderS: Christmas Truce (25 points)


Here we go, my first post of this Challenge and I am happy to be back again. Since we have just done down into another lock-down here in the Netherlands, a lot of time last week has gone into preparing for online-teaching when the break is over. That left me only limited time for my first post and I really wanted to make something Christmas related but the only figures I had lying around for this were the two WW1 soldiers playing a game of soccer during the Christmas Truce of 1914 made for Wargames Illustrated. 

From the start I intended this piece to be a showcase vignette and not a wargames figure and so I made the scenics more to give the impression of nearby trenches and battlefield debris, rather then really recreating an actual battlefield with trenches and all. 

In the end I am very happy with how this piece turned out and it nets me my first 10 points for the two 28 mm figures.

Now on to some more point-heavy posts.

Have a great Christmas everyone, cheers Sander


Wow, you've done fabulous work on this vignette, Sander! I'm gobsmacked, really. I've seen these figures several times, but think this the best treatment of them. On top of the excellent figures, I really admire the judicious use of battlefield scatter to set the scene - wonderful. I'm going to add a few extra points for your work on this wonderful vignette.  

Welcome back to the Challenge, Sander!

- Curt


  1. Lovely work Sander, really great ground scape.

  2. Great stuff Sander, very evocative.

  3. I'm glad Curt is adding some bonus points; war gaming piece or not the extra attention really deserves more. Well done!

  4. Great work Sander, the terrain looks amazing and really brings the minis to life.

  5. That’s a very nice looking vignette!

  6. That's a cool vignette Sanders and a great idea for the season!


  7. Excellent looking vignette, nice scenery!
    Best Iain

    1. Hoi there Iain, great to meet you here again this year and thanks for your kind words!

  8. Absolutely wonderful and Christmassy for Wargames. Well done.

  9. Excellent model. I did these models a couple of years ago but your's are much nicer! Well done.

    1. Lee, I do not believe it for just one minute, you are a far better painter, but I thank you for your praise!

  10. A wonderfully evocative piece SanderS

  11. Such a wonderful vignette Sander. It really does tell a story.

    1. Thank you Natasha, I really did try to make it tell that story but the limited space and my limited abilities in basing meant I wasn't able to go any better than this.

  12. Grand work Sander! My favorite Christmas war story and very well done. Clean brushwork and the scatter is light and indicates more even the patches of snow. Very nice!

    1. Thank you David, as a teacher I try to show fragments of the movie made about this story in school each year but due to the quarantine couldn't do so this tyear. Therefore this is my little homage to the story.

      Cheers Sander

  13. Welcome back Sander, nice work on the truce, I have that same model in my pile 'o shame, maybe I should dig it out

  14. That’s a spectacular vignette! Well done.
