Saturday 19 February 2022

It's Saturday Gary. Let's dance!

The roundheads cancelled Christmas (boo!) but at least the Empire were smart enough to leave Saturdays alone. If they had mucked with the natural law of the universe the rebellion they got would have seemed like a tea party by comparison!

If Saturday alone isn't enough to get you up and about, then maybe the merry band of Saturday Challengers will do it instead. This week we have..
  • Damned dirty apes
  • Carts and witches, both of which float
  • Dakka dakka and the DAK
  • Gendarmes of the shiny variety
  • The Zulu War (or a fair proportion at least)
  • Spaniards swashbucklers
  • And more...
Time to get it on!

PS. I have a new keyboard. The old one died. I miss it. This new one is the best I could manage at short notice. It is utter sh1t. Apologies in advance for typographical weirdness!



  1. I feel your pain with the new keyboard Millsy. Once when unemployed I spilt Tizer in a keyboard and couldn't afford a new one and so had to take it apart and clean each key individually. A geek should never be without a good keyboard.

    1. Thankfully it is only my "backup" personal machine, but it is the one I do all my own Challenge stuff on. I'm dreading having to fire up Photoshop ad use this thing :-(

  2. Looks like a fun-packed day, Millsy, even with a dodgy keyboard! :)

  3. Looks like a working day for you, Millsy. :)

  4. Ugh, keyboards! My son spilled soda in his keyboard and now his ‘2’ doesn’t work unless you beat on it unmercifully. He is currently taking University classes online. I regularly hear bad words from his area of the house!
    Have a great day of it, in spite of your keyboard woes!

  5. At first I just wasn’t putting in enough shifts, then I couldn’t keep the space clean and finally I lost control
