Friday 25 February 2022

RayR's Challenge

Ray has successfully navigated the perilous interstellar shoals of the Challenge 12 Quadrant, arriving at the very core of this complex set of worlds. Thus he has earned a final Challenge from the Snowlord!

Now what Challenge might be suitable for Ray? We could just banish him to shed, I suppose - but that appears to happen regularly already - hardly a real challenge. We could send him on some errand or another related to badgers, but that would simply prompt tiresome legal action on by the Badgers Rights Association, and not get any more figures painted. Deciding on this called for careful analysis...

Acting on the Snowlord's benevolent behalf, I have consulted carefully with an assortment of astro-navigational aids, studied and analyzed assorted data and ephemera, and evaluated the options. Based on this studiously careful assessment, I have determined Ray's Challenge shall be thus:

Ray, I love your Siege of Vienna project, and I think it needs a further boost! We know what prodigious, sandbag-levels of painting you are capable of...therefore, to appease the Great and All-Knowing Snowlord, you shall paint TWO more units for this project - one for the Ottoman side, and one for the defenders of Vienna!

Good luck Ray!



  1. Thank gawd I haven't gotta open the wallet and buy more figures! Luckily I have a few left in the bag, the Ottoman's might be a bit more tricky though? Wish I hadn't posted the Ottoman artillery last week!

    1. Do you do everything the Snowprick says?

  2. A suitable challenge for him, but maybe you should have added a rider about formatting of the post? :)

    1. hahahahah oh wow, can't believe I forgot that!

  3. 2 more units? In the next 3 weeks??? Although I couldn't do it, I am sure Ray is up to the challenge.

  4. An excellent challenge that I know Ray will face valiantly. I look forward to seeing these two units!

  5. Did they have sandbags stcVienns ?

  6. Best of luck Ray and well done

  7. Good luck on your Challenge, Ray! Expecting a colourful entry!

  8. If anyone can do it, our man Ray can!
