Friday 25 February 2022

From DougM: Arrakis - a Dry and Dusty place, enlivened by restless Natives (415 points)

I have had my Arrakis submission ready for a week or so, I was just hoping my 'Arid' mat would arrive from Tiny Wargames in time to provide the groundwork...  but sadly, not yet, so here they are. I am also waiting for a flag to arrive... so a bare staff in the meantime I'm afraid.

A contingent of mutinous Sepoys, Badmashes and Wallahs, all based (in my usual style) for Sharp Practice 2 on one penny coins, magnets and Warbases MDF sabots.  

The figures themselves are from AW Miniatures, who just before Christmas were running a very generous 30% off sale, and so I picked myself up this lot. Arguably they are not as finely detailed as some other manufacturers, but when you are painting en masse, they have a ton of character. And this is my first experiment with Contrast Paints, and I have to say this have worked really well. 

I actually said to myself that this was the force finished...  ha!  Then of course realised I fancied adding some Bengal Light Cavalry and an Elephant to tow the artillery...  so hopefully I get them finished before the Challenge ends.

I'm claiming Arrakis as this basing says dry and dusty to me.. !  Next cab off the rank, their British opponents. Now, who makes a good Flashman figure? 

Points = 

77 x 28mm figures @ 5 = 385

1 x 28mm Artillery @10 = 10

Planet Bonus = 20

Total = 415...  and definitely another Squirrel...

From DaveD

AAAh a Friday kaboom - very nice . Finished ... finished .. oh yeah ... lets see those Nellies... cracking work Doug love em . You can find "Flash" Harry in the Giants in Miniature range 


  1. Great work. I’ve often thought of doing similar armies using the AW ranges. good thing that I missed their sale!

    1. Highly recommended - they need careful mixing to get variety but the figures are a lot of fun, and at 30% off, a no-brainer.... I think the pictures on their website do them less than justice. Wait till next year's sale, or email Andrew and beg.. ;)

  2. What a fabulous points-bomb, Doug! Nice work! :)

    1. Thanks Tamsin, I managed to churn through these surprisingly quickly with the contrast paints and I am very happy with how they look. Not my greatest painting but definitely table-worthy. Looking forward to seeing your next entry, been enjoying the Japanese, as I painted some for CoC last year - and your's really look the business. Great colour choice for the uniforms, I wish I had gone for the green as well.

  3. Wow! Nice work! I’m learning that finished is not an absolute term in this hobby!

  4. Finished is a state of mind.. I don't have it I'm afraid.. :)

  5. Awesome pakng bomb for a very tempting period, they look great but you definitely need an elephant!
    Best Iain

  6. Looking good Doug - they look to have sufficient detail in the pictures and as usual you've done a lovely job on them

  7. The figures look great en-masse like that, I think you certainly got a bargain there.

  8. What a bomb, good looking army and almost finished. :)

  9. Dry and dusty is right, I need a cold beer after looking at these photos! First freezing Romanian photos and now this, what a contrast! Brilliant dedication to get such a big force looking so good, bravo.
    Cheers, MikeP

  10. Lovely figures and basing.
