Monday 12 December 2022

Challenge XIII - {Insert Witty Title Here} - From StuartL

Hello all,

So, here we are at the cusp of another AHPC madhouse, and I for one am nowhere near as prepared as I should be. But, before we get into that, introductions are in order.

My name is Stuart and I have been gaming since the early 90's I guess. However, my first foray into wargames happened in the previous decade. When I used to visit my grandparents' house, I would often pass the time playing with my uncle's old airfix toys and 1/72 soldiers (nearly all were unpainted). He and I would line the men up and then take turns firing matchsticks at them from a spring loaded cannon. It wasn't the most well balanced ruleset, but it was fun. My first real exposure to wargaming came via everyone's favourite evil wargaming corporation, Games Workshop. I got Heroquest as a birthday present, followed by Space Crusade for Christmas. After that it was on to Space Hulk and Space Marine (the precursor to epic). At various times I think I played most of GW's games during secondary school and university. 
Originally I am from Stockton-on-Tees in the North East of England, but in 2004, for a variety of reasons, I packed my bags and shipped off for Japan. My initial plan was to work as an English teacher for between 6 months and 1 year and then head back home to find a new job. All of my hobby stuff was left with my parents for my eventual return. However, I found that teaching English was a lot of fun and my 1 year plan quickly extended. Needing something to do in my free time, I found a local store that had a tiny selection of GW minis and picked up a box of Orcs, some tools and some paint. This led me to find my local gaming group, where I became an active member and to me requesting that my family start shipping stuff out to me. 
Fast forward to today, where I am still living in Japan, working as a teacher and am still in the same hobby group. I have been less active over the past few years as the group tends to play 9th edition 40K, whereas I'd much rather be playing anything else. I have a huge collection of minis for Bolt Action, Saga, Black Powder and more besides. I do like 40K, but the current rules feel bland and pointless to me. The newly released Horus Heresy rules are much more to my liking.

My initial plan for this challenge was to stay totally focussed on getting 2 or 3 armies completely finished. That lasted for about 20 seconds. I will still try to do the bulk of work on those armies, but I'm expecting to embrace my inner Squirrel and see what I have in my eclectic collection. I started building and assembling models for the challenge in early October, but due to real life issues taking up a good chunk of November, a lot of things got pushed back to December. 'Not to worry', I thought, 'December is always quiet at work'. Not this year. My boss decided that instead I should be as busy as possible in the run up to Christmas. Luckily, all is not lost. I still have a ton of minis built and primed from Challenges XI and XII in my stash. Speaking of.....

Unlike some of the challengers who live in vast sprawling mansions with enough room for a gigantic hobby space, I'm limited to a 6' by 9' room where all of my stuff must stay. Should anything stray from the room, my better half will immediately throw it into the trash.

My work area is pretty small. I don't have room for a monitor or a PC, just a small music player. Over the course of the last challenge, this tiny work bench hosted nearly 300 minis, so it seems to get the job done. On the back wall you can see a memo reminding me to do the chores and other tasks before I get too lost in painting. 

The main part of my stash is kept on a set of metal shelving racks. While I do try to sort stuff out every now and again, I am rapidly running out of flat surfaces on which to stack things. Included in that lot are numerous army cases, bits boxes and a full 6' by 4' WW2 Normandy beach board that I have only used twice in the eight years since I built it.

And this is my gaming table. It is made from the same metal racking as the shelves and is currently home to about 20 KR multicases and numerous boxes of plastic, metal and MDF. In the background you can see yet more shelves containing rulebooks, terrain supplies and yet more plastic. As you can see from the foreground, I am in the process of priming stuff, building things and it is all a colossal mess. That said, it is usually much, much worse. 

Having seen some of the neat, organised hobby spaces from other challengers, I am reminded of a quote. "If you can't be a good example, you'll just have to be a horrible warning." Guess which category I am in. 

Oh yeah, I'll be minioning for the first time this challenge, if you are unlucky enough to be in my care, I apologise in advance.

See you all at the starting post!


  1. Well, that’s really not too bad, Stuart 😉. You seem to be able to get a lot of things done from there! Happy minioning, whether or not you will have to be putting up with the likes of me or not!

    1. Thanks. I seem to have drawn a good batch of challengers to minion for, so it should be a lot of fun.

  2. You have squeezed an impressive amount into that small space.

    1. All those hours spent playing Tetris have really paid off.

  3. Love the chaos Stuart! Have a good challenge.

  4. Considering that you live in Japan, you have a LOT of space for hobbying! Happy Challenge and happy minoing

    1. When we were designing the house having a hobby room meant making a lot of concessions to my wife. It was worth it though.

  5. Let's go for the horrible warning. I'll be minioning you so paint well and paint fast

  6. That's an impressive amount of stuff you've managed to squeeze into that space!
    Welcome to the Hallowed Halls of Miniondom! :)

    1. I'll try not to let the power go to my head.

      ... too much.

  7. Have a great Challenge and enjo⁸y your minioning!

    1. Oh, I will. I have an elite group to minion for, the very cream of the crop.

  8. Such a small room and so much stuff! You have some organisational skills, I'm sure. And probably a lot cheaper than buying a house or a mansion to store everything and a little bit more... I'm quite sure I have some minis I'm not going to paint in my lifetime...

    1. A hobbyist never truly dies as long as they still have models to paint.

  9. Great post Stuart! I'm a big fan of chrome shelving but I've not seen it used as a basis for a gaming table - cool! Based on your prolific production, I can only imagine that storage is a constant issue for you.

    1. All of the tables and desks I looked at were quite low. The shelving allowed me to build the table higher, thus avoiding any problems with my back. Plus it can all be disassembled should I want to reorganize at some point in the future.

  10. Impressive and ingenious way of storing and gaming

  11. Great stuff Stuart, enjoy your Minioning task


  12. Nice to see how you do it in Japan.
