Wednesday 15 February 2023

From Kyle C - Director's Chair Entry - (153)

Bring on the final boss!!! 

So reaching out to the almighty Snowlord.. I was tasked to complete a project that has been a bit overdue.. or I was procrastinating on.. 

Well this bad boi has been just that! Again for a client but with hesitation. I had painted one of these years and years ago while living in Turkey for myself. So I know how bad they can be with normal paints and no airbrush. But I thought hey.. I have contrast paints AND an airbrush.. this should be easy! 😏

Painting wise honestly it wasn't bad. Though being in only 2 pieces ( head and well everything else ) due to buddy assembling it before bringing it over.. caused new headaches there 😅 

Though in reality it was more the mental struggle of actually starting it due to how much grief it gave me in the past. 

So shout out to Curt for this challenge and for giving me such a task to aim for here. 

And since it's a Badmoon Stompa.. it has to be yellow! So after a white primer.. all of my yellow paints were pulled out. That and yellow tinted browns. And then browns. 

The purple bits were his choice as his other army is a Emperors Children force so this has reclaimed parts from them it seems. 

All in this took a good portion of the weekend and Friday night to tackle. With some touch ups throughout the workdays as time allowed. But it's done and dusted so there is that then! 

Hilariously.. the crew on it will give me just as many points as the Stompa itself lol

I was also able to tackle the Skull Temple for my Khorne Age of Sigmar force which I have resurrected due to the club picking it up tried to see how I would tackle red and bronze/gold like coloring. Stuck it to a hardboard base also to give it a bit of something extra. 

Actually got to use it this week at the club while we trialed the AoS rules out ( haven't played before ) and it did ok. My other Khorne Priest stood upon it and took hits like a champ defending it so that is a positive for me there! 

Also tackled a Skulltaker for my Deamons to trial their color scheme also. 

I foresee a lot of red in my future with this army.. 

His cloak with a lot of fun to play with and I think it came out quite well! 

Not sure how many skulls are included in these two. But that's not a side duel I joined so not sure about if I wish to try to count them all 🤣

Last up is some Ork crew members. The buggies were painted pre-challenge but their passengers were all left overs as I was not aware of them when I began the project. So had a bit of extra work to tackle there. 

So a very slow week for me here.. and going to get slower as work has really increased this month and a trip abroad coming up to really take me out at the knees! But a lot has been accomplished while I could, and while recovering.. and accomplished my 2 goals.. hit my points total and get to the director's chair challenge! Huzzah!

Points for this week are:

Stompa - 28mm Vehicle - 20 pts
4 Crew on Stompa - 28mm infantry - 20 pts
14 Passengers on buggies - 28mm infantry - 70 pts
Skulltaker - 28mm infantry - 5 pts
Skull Temple - Almost a cube terrain - 18 pts
Director's Chair Studio - 20 pts
Total - 153 pts

Let's see if I tackle anything else this week for painting or if a proper rest for the next few will be occurring! 

Minion Miles - very orky and very nicely painted - 5 bonus points because this post made me yell WAUGHHHH!!!!!!


  1. 28mm vehicles go cheap this Challenge. :D But it does look great, all the shades, the muzzles etc. And the other entries are not any less great!

  2. Love all of this. Excellent quality painting as always Kyle. The orc buggies are my favourite. I love the ramshackle look of 40K orks.

  3. What a brilliant set of entries, Kyle! Great work on all of them! :)

  4. Congratulations on the Director's Chair! Love the skull cloak ...
    Cheers JezT

  5. Fantastic looking Stompa, the yellow came out really well.

  6. awesome stuff, kick back and relax now

  7. Great stuff all around Kyle. That Stompa is epic! And yellow.
    Congrats on making the Directors Cut, are you the first?

  8. Awesome ork post! 20 points for a 28mm stompa? Surely some mistake!
    Best Iain

  9. What a great post. Excellent work Kyle, even if it was a slow week at 135 points!?

  10. Fantastic Kyle, they look fantastic. Love the stompa the most

  11. Are you sure you don't want to count those skullz?

  12. Late to the party, but gosh, what a terrific stompa! Well done, mate!
