Friday 19 January 2024

From Barks: Zombies & Galadriel & new Challenger (Science Fiction, Library Cart) (197 points)

I'm finishing off my whirlwind library trip.

Firstly, thirty Poxwalkers. These are GW's science fiction zombies, and as such are overly detailed. They have these quite nice grins, and are erupting with tentacles and horns. One is turning into a fly. There are maggots crawling in and on the figures. My main complaint with the miniatures is that there is no simple route for customisation. I'd prefer to be able to adjust the angles of the arms, try out different heads etc, but I'm stuck with repeats of the same ten distinct monopose figures. Sure, I could convert them, but it's a bit too much work for fodder. I stuck to a limited palette with yellow accents.

Thirty poxwalkers

That finishes off my library tasks- so I summon Lady Sarah's Library Cart to take me to the Snowlord's shelves. This is a 3D print of the lady Galadriel and her mirror (Printing Goes Ever On). I threw in a quick eye of Sauron, which stands out much more than I had anticipated! I wonder if I should make the edges darker. Should I give it a coat of gloss?

30x 28mm Poxwalkers (150 points)

Science Fiction (20 points)

Lady Galadriel and mirror (7 points)

Sarah's Library Cart (20 points)

Now I'm ready to face the Snowlord's Challenge!

Addendum: I've added a new Challenger! The Skirt-Swisher has used her in-built 3D printer for a long print, I've removed the supports and washed off the residue.

I'm looking for name suggestions:
  • Boudica
  • Hive Queen
  • Montgomerina
  • Rommelina
  • Napoleonette
  • ?
From Millsy: Firstly, congrats to the both of you on the new arrival mate! So good to see your latest creation healthy and happy with her Dad. Remember its never too soon to start them on the brushes. Might I suggest Skullzette for a name? It has a lovely feminine tone and just rolls off the tongue.

On to more important matters and you've got another great entry here. I second your thoughts on the customisation options (or lack thereof) for the poxwalkers but as you say they're just chaff.

Galadriel is wonderful The Eye of Sauron is just brilliant. My first thought is she's thinking "Bugger. I knew washing the palantir in this thing was a bad idea!" 


  1. Congrats. And those poxwalkers rock...or rot. Nice work

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Fantastic mate, thrilled for you. Sadly no points though because she isn't based, and you didnt do all the prep work! +1 for Skullzette

    1. She's not finished, this is merely a WIP.

  3. Congrats on the new arrival! And the pox walkers look great.

  4. Congratulations, Barks and the whole family! I hate those GW minis, where there is only one way to build ten different minis. And Galadriel and Eye of Sauron look both great.
    P.S. Should you name her Sarah? ;)

  5. Congrats Dad! How does Barkey sound? No really great news! Love the eye of Sauron in the mirror, it's really inspiring.

  6. Congrats on the 1:1 scale mini! Excellent figures too. Zenobia? Rain of Jhansi? Matilda?

  7. Congratulations on the new arrival Barks! Fine brushwork too...

  8. Barks!! Congratulations mate!!! She looks beautiful and steals the show here. Wonderful work on all fronts. :)

  9. congratulations Barks - next question is how soon can she be wielding a paint brush 😁 The Lady Galadriel is top notch too

  10. Congratulations Barks! Yeah you should name her Sarah!

    1. I'm looking for something a bit more grognard...

  11. Congratulations. I think every hospital in the world has the same pattern of blankets they send the babies home in.

    1. I think we have to give this one back before we go...

  12. Congrats Barks! A great finish to your post!

  13. Congratulations Barks! I think Zenobia would be an excellent name....

  14. Congratulations!! Hope the new arrival doesn't bring all of your hobby time to a stop. Some mightily impressive minis you've painted!

    1. Thank you! I'll need to downshift, but hopefully not come to a screeching halt.

  15. Congratulations on the new arrival Barks! Great to see you maintaining production.

    1. I've had quite the deadline to work towards!

  16. Excellent work and congratulations on the new arrival.

  17. Great work on all your miniatures especially the real life heroic scale addition to the family.

  18. Congratulations Barks, most realistic looking mini in the AHPC so far!

    1. A bit of varnish and straight into the display cabinet!

  19. Fantastic news on the new arrival, congratulations to you all 👏
