Saturday 6 January 2024

From KyleC - Death Guard LI infantry (180 pts)

So have almost been broken by this lot of Infantry for my LI DG army project.. I had originally thought I had gone overboard on printing and building too much infantry and yet already I can see that is not the case 😳

So 6 bases of Middle Launchers.. and from what I hear this is light years ahead on build quality Vs the plastics (where many a missile has been lost to the carpets..) 

6 bases of Plasma and I suspect this will not be sufficient for a game.. but I do like how the glow came out on the guns.. easier at this scale than many others.. 

9 bases of Terminators.. which is 1 base too many as they all need to be chosen in pairs of 2.. plus the special and heavy weapons haven't been revealed yet so there is that.. I have more printed but need to get more bases made for them as well.. 

And then the main stay of the game.. the tactical units.. 51 bases in all.. with a mix of command and breacher models throughout.. will make for some interesting combinations.. though still have to build some proper command bases with banners and such. 

Overall this makes 72 bases of 5 models per base (though one base only has 4 models on it).. gives me 359 models painted up here.. and almost a full nervous breakdown on trying to get through them all 😅

So that's 359*0.5 per model makes for 179.5 PTS (I've rounded to 180 - Dallas)

And now I can begin to look at the actual starter box of models to begin to assemble and paint up 😅

Meanwhile I have this all painted and ready to play with... Just got 2 tanks to finish and that's a cool 3000 points of DG to game with . 

Some bits painted before the challenge like the Thunderhawk and the predators..

Now to switch gears onto something that doesn't make me squint while painting.. let's see! 

Ooooooh cool - loving these Legions Imperialis models Kyle! And Death Guard too, one of my fave Space Marine Legions as I've got a ton of Plague Marines in the regular scale. You've done great work here and your forces appear to be building up nicely! I've rounded your total to 180 because math is hard!



  1. A fabulous looking force. That is a lot of very small minis to paint, well done getting them all painted up so quickly.

    1. I thought this would be a bit easier, but then I went too much into some details and took far longer than I thought they would take!

  2. Great looking force Kyle. A friend has been busy gluing the starter set and is trying to get me into LI. I loved the original Epic and not sure I can go back. Well done.

    1. Never did the original Epic, but thought this might be something interesting to go alongside my HH 28mm forces.

  3. A great looking force Kyle. I had a go with LI over the break with Sylvain’s Epic veterans. Not my thing but had a good game. One quibble, for those of us not fully fluent in GW-speak maybe use words instead of acronyms. I was wondering if your light 8nfantry had javelins, bows or slings.

    1. This is a fair point.. was too much in work mode with acronyms.. but these are definitely armed with slings ;) Still haven't had a game with them as yet.. but that is just the way my days go here.. more painting than gaming..

  4. Wow. That is a lot of small guys to paint. Great work!

    1. I was also a bit taken aback when I began to base the models printed and seeing how many I had to paint up.. and now seeing that its not really enough variety for gaming with!

  5. These look absolutely brilliant, love the armour. And a good choice to go with recessed bases too instead mirroring what GW thought was a better idea.

    1. I don't understand their logic there at all.. and I doubt I will be using their bases even with their models..

  6. So cool, it must look so good these kind of armies on the table, the scale is perfect for a big battle. great painting once again

    1. Indeed! I do love a large battle, and these should let me do such battles! I Hope to see some in 2024!

  7. I think they look terrific Kyle! I love how they look all arrayed for battle. You've managed to get a playable force ready in no time! Wow.

    1. Oh, and and are the bases 3d prints as well?

    2. Thanks. Had to see if I actually had enough for a game at what they recommend ( 3k pts ) and seems I almost do.. and it does look pretty cool. No idea if effective but thats secondary to looking cool ;)

  8. Stunning, really nice in that scale

  9. Fantastic work Kyle - and I have to note as well that the bases you have used here look SO much better than the bespoke "urban" bases GW has provided for the new LI game...

    1. Thanks Greg. Yeah they are 3d printed that have slots/holes to place the infantry models into. To make it flush in the base. But the painting is simpler in that I have stippled browns to give a ground texturing. But I do like them more than the city tile bases.

  10. These pop really well for their scale

  11. Super stuff, looks great en masse and particularly to see some Breachers in there! You've done a great job with these, some great details which really stand out
