Monday 29 January 2024

From PeterB - Captain Tycho - Famous Person - 25 points

It's been a hectic week this week and I haven't got a lot of painting done. There are a couple of half finished projects and I did get to spend a day playing Silver Bayonet with my new Spanish models, but I felt I couldn't at least post something this week. Late on Sunday I did finish one model.

My hobby story started with Advanced Heroquest, my first purchase in a wargame store was Necromunda, but these are other stories. The first model I tried to paint was a Blood Angel Space Marine. It came free with a copy of White Dwarf and in the magazine it told you how to paint it. (I bought the magazine for an Advanced Heroquest quest.) I painted that model with some of my dad's gloss humbrols and it was terrible. 

I did however get the bug and once I learnt painting with acrylics instead, my first proper army were the Blood Angels. They always appeared in those early White Dwarf magazines in excellent battle reports that I read over and over. I still remember the best, Captain Tycho, hero of the Blood Angels taking on the Space Orks led by Ghazgul Thraka. 

The Captain model for that report was a Blood Angel Captain model that they gave the name to, later on a new model was released specifically for the character. I did originally have both models of this most famous of old school characters. Unfortunately I moved on and created my own Space Marine Chapter The Gregory's and so decided I didn't need all the character models and sold them on. (Something I regret now)

As you will know from the beginning of the challenge, I have begun a retro second edition project and so felt I needed a Captain to lead my Blood Angels once more. Only one hero would be up to the challenge. One lucky ebay bid and he was back. A quick dip in some biostrip 20 and I have had a second attempt at painting the old bugger. I'm hoping I have improved from the first time.

Points, nice and easy.

1 x 28mm = 5pts
1 x stack visit = 20pts
Total 25 pts. 

Sylvain: I declare that your case for "Famous Person" is convincingly argued. Thank you for sharing chunks of your childhood. It seems that is where our hobby takes its root. I like how tough Captain Tycho looks in front of that roll of paper towels :-). Another great entry for the Monday Crew!


  1. A fine figure and a great backstory. I am not sure on the Famous Person angle, seems this should belong in another stack, but it's not my call to minion. Love the banner BTW and the hall of the Paper Towel.

    1. Thanks Peter. I was definitely in a rush to photograph and the paper towel was the nearest plain background to hand!

  2. Some lovely old skool lead Peter and the goblin green base made me smile!

    1. Thanks Millsy, there should be more old school to come too.

  3. I enjoyed your journey of nostalgia with Tycho. I remember this figure well due to the bonkers combi-weapon he's toting. Great brushwork on him.

    1. Thanks Curt. Yep, the melta-bolter was crazy.

  4. Love the goblin green base! Bring back back-banners, I say.

    1. Thanks Barks. Yep, I used to hate banners when I first started, mainly due to them always snapping off. I have learnt to love them now though.

  5. The good old days, when the lore of the 40k universe was written based on the events on battles and campaigns by the development team! Your Tycho looks great, I like the banner.

    1. Thanks Teemu. Those were great days. I have to admit, the banner was a printout with some paint touch ups by myself.

  6. Great looking retro space marine with a nice dollop of nostalga, wait back banners aren't a thing anymore in 40k? Has the world gone mad!
    Best Iain

    1. I know, right? These kids don't know they're born, swanning around with units with no banners. How do they know who is who?

  7. Nicely done Peter - selling off old figures often turns out to be something we regret

    1. Thank you. Yes, I do regret some, but then again I always use the proceeds to buy others, so it's not all bad. If I didn't clear some out I would run out of storage!

  8. Great old school space marine. Wonderful miniature and brush work.

  9. Thanks Bruce. I'm loving this nostalgia trip. Plus this time around I can actually paint them well enough.

  10. Thanks for the peak into your personal gaming story Peter. Although I am a loyal Son of the Lion first and foremost, it was the Old Sngels of Death double codex featuring the Dark and Blood Angels that got me to see the Blood Angels as the true brother legion to the First Legion. You must surely remember that codex?
    Anyway, a great Tycho and with banner and all he really looks the part!

    1. I do remember the codex. Sadly I also no longer have that too. Being a brainwashed fanboy back then I thought I would be playing new 40k all my life and no longer required it!
