Monday 1 January 2024

From PeterB - Gaslands Vehicles - New Acquisitions - 165 points

Hello again from windy and rainy England.

In my rush to get my first post out I neglected to mention my enthusiastic support for Curt's choice of cost of entry this year. As a family we are avid readers here and love our local library. A few years back due to local government cutbacks a whole swathe of local libraries were marked for closure as the central government rules meant the only obligation was to keep open the main town library a bus ride away. Some of the sites marked for closure were then saved by local residents who now run them as volunteers and all stock is from generous donations.

Our local library therefore is now volunteer run and just before Christmas had a book sale to raise funds. I of course went down with a hefty bag full of book donations for selling or to go into stock (our bookshelves are creaking under the amount we have still, more than enough for to keep us out of mischief) and then promptly spent some money buying other titles when I got there! Just like my leadpile, the more I get rid of, the more seems to find its way back home! 

Anyway, on to the painting. This project is a mixture of recycling and new acquisitions. Just before Christmas I changed job roles at work and received a Bad Squiddo voucher as a leaving gift. So with some of the amount I purchased both versions of the Gaslands Implements of Carnage sprues. These combined with all the toy cars I could find in a trawl of the local charity shops resulted in the following fleet. Ready for a game when my local club starts up again next week.

The bikes and buggies are from the sprue and were a little fiddly, I had to paint some of the parts before gluing together.

The Formula One car I kept simple with just some guns added.

This VW is inspired by artwork in the book, although the artwork depicts an original Beetle.

These two trucks I am hoping will cause some carnage on the race track with a harpoon on one and a wrecking ball on the other.

These are RC bomb cars. They are deployed from one of the other cars and are remotely driven until they are near enough to an opponent before exploding. Hopefully they will cause some hilarity.


The Jaguar XJ is my favourite, with an air intake added to the hood, giant side exhausts and machine guns on the rear to discourage any tailgaters.

To the points:

7 x 20mm vehicles (15) = 105 points

4 x 20mm mounted (8) = 32 points

2 x 20mm remote control cars (2 for 6mm/8mm vehicle) = 4 points

New acquisitions = 20 points 

Additional points for customization = 4

Total = 165 points


 Great looking vehicles! What I like about games in the vein of Gaslands is that each car and truck fits better if it is completely different from all the others and you did a superb job at customizing each of them.

I counted your small remote vehicles as 6mm/8mm vehicles, I threw in 4 points for all the customization bits and added the bonus for new acquisitions.

I'm sure these vehicles will be a hoot when you bring them to your club.



  1. Thank you Sylvain. I completely forgot about the bonus points. I'll get it right eventually. 😉

  2. Wonderful entry Brian! I especially like the little buggies. I wonder if they may be more resilient to rough play if based? It's sad to hear about your government's neglect of the library system, but at the same time uplifting knowing that volunteers from the public are stepping in to try to keep them open. Here's to a happier and better New Year!

    1. The buggies are pretty sturdy once together, but it is a good idea, I might look at bases.

  3. Excellent looking gasland motors!
    Best Iain

  4. Great work, wouldn't want to be the guys on the dirt bikes

    1. Thanks Martin. Oh, the bike riders will be armed somehow and will be pretty dangerous I'm sure.

  5. Great looking vehicles Peter, I know nothing about Gaslands but you've piqued my interest

    1. Thanks. I'm yet to play it, but it looks super fun. Like X-Wing you need some movement templates, but then the rules are pretty easy to pick up.

  6. Lovely stuff, those big trucks are the business

    1. Thanks Jaime. Yep, I'm hoping the trucks will get up to ramming speed.

  7. Super looking vehicles, I'm reaching for the Mad Max DVD 📀 😎

    1. Thanks Ken. I will most probably be shouting "Witness Me!" As I roll the dice next week. 😉

  8. Nice bunch of gaslands vehicles. I am never sure if these are more dangerous to their occupants or their competitors.

  9. Super cool. Love the Jag with the rear MGs. Even Bond never had it that good!

  10. Thanks. I hope they do some serious carnage!

  11. Those trucks look menacing there! Wouldn't want to be facing off against them anytime soon!

    1. Thanks Kyle. Knowing my luck they'll crash and burn turn one. 😉

  12. Witness! I should do some Gaslands cars, they look like so much fun.

    1. You should. Just don't let the kids catch you delving I their toy car collection.

  13. Fabulous Peter,

    great looking machines particularly like the trucks!


  14. Very cool Peter - happy motoring!

  15. Great work, Peter! The converted cars are the best, they really show the passion.

  16. Thanks Teemu. I can't wait to get a game in with them.

  17. Splendid Gaslands collection Peter. I've never played a game when I have used more than four vehicles, but have over 30 cars of my own painted. I plan to add even more this challenge.

    1. Thanks Paul, yep I suspected I was making more than I needed. Still want to make more.

  18. Gaslands! Fantastic! All cars can be improved with machineguns, and this wonderful game so nicely harnesses this basic truth :)

    1. Most definitely. I can't wait to try it next week.

  19. Loving these conversions. I didn't know you could just buy upgrade sprues—I've always shied away from Gaslands because I thought I needed 15mm bits or 3d printer!

    1. Thanks Jim. Yep, the sprues have tons of bits on them. Some of my earlier attempts I used stuff from my bits box too, in fact one of the trucks has a spare arm from an Epic scale stompa on the roof.

  20. Excellent gaslands team you have there. Building the cars is as much fun as playing. Great start in your collection.

    1. Thanks Tom. You are right, kitbashing is one of the fun parts of the hobby, especially when it comes to adding guns to fast cars.

  21. Great motorized submission Peter. I love the buggy machine gun platforms.

  22. These are great Gaslands vehicles. Love the customization.

    (I am slowly assembling a Gulf Motor Oil themed Gaslands team.)
