Wednesday 3 January 2024

KenR : The last of the Redshirts : 28mm Garibaldi (121 Points)


A post today with a tinge of sadness, this is the last Redshirt unit for my Garibaldi Project, now don't get me wrong I'm glad to have finished this part of the Army but I've enjoyed painting these Gringo40s figures over the last couple of years.

As with all the other units these are 28mm figures based 6 to a base on a 60 x 60 base, the extended fronts protecting the bayonets on the figures.

Scoring is nice and easy as it's the same as the first unit I did in the Challenge, 24 figs at 5 points each plus one for the flag makes 121 !

It's certainly not the end of the Garibaldi, next up will be a small unit of Garibaldi Cavalry after which I have three Battalions not in red shirts and some skirmishers, I've also got a surprise addition for the Papal Forces to fit in with a library entry. 


A new year, a new edition of the Analogue Painting Challenge, but the consistency of the KenR juggernaut crushing out another amazing project continues to amaze. Well done Ken, it has been, and will continue to be, a real treat for all of us to follow along on this project as it enters its next phase. 

121 points for you sir!


  1. Lovely work as always Ken. Looking forward to more from this project.

  2. Another wonderful entry ken, we all know that feeling when you come to the end of a certain part of a project the joy of completion and the sadness that something which you have enjoyed creating is done. But then onto the next batch of figures. Can wait to see the next lot

  3. Lovely work. I'm sure it's a lovely feeling getting them finished.

    1. It is, likely to buy less red paint this year 😉

  4. Well done on getting all your redshirts finished!

  5. Having a project finished is a rarity in this hobby (well, it is for me anyway), so well done on getting them over the finishing line. It does leave more room on your workbench for the next project though.

    1. Still a few to go to finish the whole Project, but the Redshirts is a Big chunk of it 😀👍

  6. Congrats on getting this contingent done, Ken - they look fabulous.

  7. Those are some real beauties Ken, well done!

  8. A very fitting end to all those excellent Unification Wars figures you have painted during all these Challenges!

    1. Still got a few more, none Redshirts to do 👍

  9. Great addition to your army. Cheers Jez

  10. Congratulations on reaching such a milestone. I'm sure there's a train to paint another battalion one day...or you could switch scales and paint them all again in 15mm ;)

    1. My 15mm days are over sadly, eyes not what they were !

  11. Fantastic brushwork, these look great

  12. Grand job - nice to have a chunk finished

  13. Another great unit! I think you might find an excuse to paint another one at some point, but I’m very much looking forward to your other Garibaldini, Ken!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Great to see your work as ever Ken, wonder where and how you find the time with all the other stuff you contribute to the hobby. There's no such thing as finishing an army though, bet you'll add more infantry in the near future - go on you know you want to :-)

    1. Cheers mate, at least with this one I'm building the army to a specific order of battle, so when it's done ..... oh maybe another unit then 😆

  16. Great job on these figures, Ken. I have found your Garibaldi project fascinating as it's not a time period many even know about, much less game. Well done.

    1. Cheers it's been a fun learning experience for me too 👍😁

  17. These look great, hopefully they'll last longer than their Star Trek counterparts!
