Friday 16 February 2024

From GeoffreyT: A very big recalcitrant book and other monsters (Oversized books, Self help, autobiography, 85 points)

Hello Challengers,

This week I have only a few miniatures, but quite a few bonus points.  This will be tempered in future weeks when all the bonus points are gone.

The first is a home sculpt of the Agrippa, which is an oversized book.  

According to "A book of creatures" website, it is from folklore of Brittany.  It is a malevolent grimoire the height of a man, which must be beaten and fought by the reader or it will not reveal its secrets and will just show blank pages.  I made it from two bits of plasticard and some milliput between them. 

The sculpt is 30+ mm tall, as shown next to its mates.

For the Autobiography section we have a Tasmanian Devil, by Grenadier Miniatures, sculpted in the 80's.  I too am from Tasmania where I was born and bred, although I no longer live there. Indeed the reason I have not much painted this week was I was down in Tasmania visiting relatives.

And next we go to the Self Help section, where I browse through books on painting and sculpting of monsters.

My interest in miniatures is primarily derived from the Hobby Art aspect of the genre, gaming is mostly a social outlet for my hobby.  I have enough miniatures for the games I like, but I still do like to create.  I find it quite relaxing and calming.  In particular I like monsters.  These two below are home-sculpts inspired from fantasy gaming art.

An 'Axebeak', a large flightless bird with an axe like beak and a goblin with a moon shaped head, moon shaped glaive and moon shape on his shield.  The former is more a D&D style monster, and the latter more in keeping with Warhammer.

The library map update

So this week we have:

4 x 28mm miniatures = 20 points

3 x library sections = 60 points

Total = 80 points.

Kind Regards


From Millsy: There's just so much to enjoy here I almost don't know where to start Geoff. Your sculpting skills clearly exceed mine and the book of creatures is a really cool choice of subject for the Library theme. The clasp and embossed cover motif are brilliant and really give it a feeling both of something that shouldn't be messed with! The Tassie Devil is also a great mini and very evocative of the Looney Toons incarnation. Have another 5 points for your sculpting efforts. Awesome work mate!


  1. Really well done Geoff, the book steals the show, your Tasmanian relative though would engender some reluctance on my part were to ask me t o look at your holiday snaps or family photo album :-)

  2. A crazy mix of models, nice work.

  3. Fun post. Great crazy figures. Well done.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Lovely work on the book and figures. I really like the axe beak. A few of those bursting out from the shadows in a woods would be trouble.

  6. Great work Geoff, that book is probably my fave.

  7. Lovely stuff, really like the home casts. I’ve read books that I’ve fought and lost to…

  8. Love seeing what you've created each week!

  9. I agree withMillsy that this post has so many well painted stuff that choosing a favourite is impossible, well done!

  10. Always love your home sculpts, Geoff. The great grimoire is my favourite of this selection. What mysterious arcana is between its pages?!

  11. Thank you all for the kind comments. Last year I did quite a lot of scratch building and sculpting, including the entirety of the baddies and terrain for Forbidden Psalm The last War and Crew for Five Leagues from the Borderlands. I had already painted and played with most of it all by time of the challenge. But this was a good chance to paint the left over pieces I had not yet done.
