Saturday 17 February 2024

From JezT - Footsore Crusaders - 28mm (43 points)

Dear All 

No library rooms this week and just a simple post of 8 x Crusader foot figures from Footsore. I have  posted a few of this range already this challenge and these 8 represent two new packs. Again am basing them singly so can use for Saga type games but they can also fit on a sabot base so can play as a unit for my preferred Basic Impetus games. 

First up a pack of Knight foot figures - no flesh colour was used in the painting of these 4! Then a pack of spearmen. 

one Knight demoted to Spearman

The last spearman figure from the pack I made into a bannerman and based directly onto the base. Its a bit unusual but just having 4 figures on a base for a heavy spear unit looks a bit lightweight for me so added a few others to the base. 

Bannerman is the newly painted figure

Next have a few photos of the new figures mixed in with others showing a Saga Spear unit and then some Basic Impetus Heavy Foot bases. 

front rank are the newly painted

So newly painted are two packs making 8 figures so 40 points to add. 

Cheers Jez

By Paul the Stand-In Minion: 
What a treat! If its one thing I am right into at the moment next to be Romans and Gauls, its crusaders!  Footsore makes some lovely figures and I really like how you've mixed up the livery to blend Military Order with Outremer Kingdoms. You've also been clever with your basing to keep them adaptable for multiple rules sets (the extra figs on the sabot base works really well too!).

May they find a fragment of the One True Cross for you - and in the meantime take 43 points including a few extra for the nice hand painted shields and flag