Friday 1 March 2024

From TomL: True Crime for 70 points

Guiding us to the True Crime stacks of the library via the cart is The Duchess - a woman who knows her way around the underside of the city.  Duchess is from Crooked Dice Miniatures and was painted using Foundry and Two Thin Coat paints.

These boys are experts at robbery, smash and grab and general violence.  The "Criminal Firm" set is also from Crooked Dice Miniatures and was painted using Foundry and Two Thin Coat acrylics.

Points: 70.
6 28mm figures @ 5 = 30
Library Cart = 20
True Crimes section = 20

From Millsy: I really like "The Firm" Tom, especially the faded denim effect you have achieved on their jeans. I certainly wouldn't want them muscling in on my turf! I can't be sure from the photo but it looks like you have done a faded effect on the hair of the duchess which is pretty cool if that's correct. Nice work all around.


  1. The Duchess certainly looks like a duchess, nice work tom

  2. Great painting of this modern gang - will look great on the table in a game.

  3. Well that's a femme fatale, she could easily lure me to death and destruction!

  4. Definitely a shady bunch!

  5. The whole bunch very seedy indeed. Well done.

  6. These are really good Tom!

  7. Great looking heavies and lady of the night!
    Best Iain

  8. Love those crooked dice figures and you’ve done them proud, excellent work

  9. I'm a big fan of Crooked Dice. You've done these well.

  10. What a wonderful set of modern misfits, Tom. The Duchess looks to be a formidable character.

  11. great set of figures and nicely painted

  12. Crooked dice has a lot of great figures.
