Thursday, 19 December 2024

Duel Update

Just a quick note to let folks know that I've resurrected the Paint Duels page for this years actions.  You can see the page by clicking the button at the top of the page, or at the following link Side Duels XV.

I tried to update the duels entrants and rules as best as I could, and made stuff up as I went along.  Feel free to send me late entrants, corrections or suggestions.

I am also working on getting the Duels form revised for XV and then up and running.  So far I've just killed last years' form, so I hope that Millsy or someone can save my backside before Miles finds out... 

PeterD Duels Wallah


  1. TomL for the Stompy Robots. I don't think TomC indicated an interest. I withdraw my question about the BT tanks. While I will paint them anyway, tanks just are not as cool as stompy robots.

    1. I’ll make the change to the correct Tom. Sorry about that.

    2. No problem. Thanks for tracking all the madness.

  2. If you really want, I can stay away from the Skulls Duel, but I could join it. :)

  3. Thanks for this Pete. I fully endorse just making thing up as you go along.

    1. I figure that i’ve given folks the chance to speak up.

  4. Hi Peter, please add me to Squirrel hunting and Napoleonics

    1. Will do. Remind my aging and Academic brain what your Challenge ID is.
