Sunday, 29 December 2024

From Mike W: More 28mm Arthurians (65 Points)

Following on from my first post if this challenge is a group of 4 x Mounted and 5 x Infantry figures, all to be used to build up my new Arthurian collection.

Arthurian Heavy Cavalry man, armed with spear

And the other side's view! More to come for this unit!

The mounted figures represent 3 x Heavy Knights and 1 x Heavy Cavalryman whilst the foot figures are all Medium Infantry. 

So a word of explanation - the Heavy Knights (Cataphracts) are to be the mounted versions of the Close Order Heavy Infantry units as shown in my first post, in my head the rules for use will require commander to opt for mounted of foot deployment at beginning of each game.

Arthurian Knights, these guys will have individual shield patterns to reflect the uniqueness and privilege of their positions.

Anther view of the knights

Infantry can be Heavy, Medium or Light and the Heavy and Mediums can be classed as Close or Loose order, all Light Infantry are Loose Order. Anyway the two Archer figures are Light Infantry (unarmoured) whilst the remaining three infantry figures will be classed as Medium (Loose Order, Partially Armoured) Infantry.

Archers - with a Victrix head swap on the right

Another view of the Archers

The mounted figures are all Gripping Beast Cataphracts, the three Heavy Knights have all had head swaps from Gripping Beast or Victrix Late Roman sets plus a couple of shield swaps. The Heavy Cavalryman is pretty much straight form the box.

Three Medium infantrymen, the final unit will be 16 figures,
including Standard Bearer and possibly a musician

Close-up of the Medium Infantry

For the infantry one of the archers has had a Victrix head swap, otherwise both are straight from the box. The spearmen are also straight from the box, as is the Lesser Knight leader, except that he has had a Wargames Atlantic helmet crest added.

Painting wise, I followed the steps described in my first post, the infantry having a light grey tunic with blue trim for this unit and red / white shield iconography. The mounted figures were done along similar lines but with a lot of metalics on the horse armour!


5 x 28mm Infantry   @ 5 Pts each        25 Points

4 x 28mm Cavalry @ 10 Pts each        40 Points

TOTAL                                                  65 Points


Another great Arthurian post Mike. The noble cavalry would be the Tiger tanks of the period with their cataphract barding - wow. They along with the infantry and archers will give a cold welcome to the invading Saxons. Great work.

- Curt


  1. Really nice Arthurians. I love the kits from both the Beast and Victrix and they do swap bits well for some kitbashing fun. Fantastic looking shields.

  2. Great work Mike! The world needs more Cataphract cav - always amazing to see.

  3. They look really good, your pumping them out, keep up the great work

  4. Good stuff; I love the pose on the heavy.

  5. Good stuff Mike and you are kicking them out. Well done.

  6. Nice! I do love the Arthurian/Late Roman figures. Keep it up!

  7. Very nice Arthurian figures - looking forward to seeing how the collection grows over the course of the Challenge.

  8. Good to see Arthurians Mike and its good to see the mixing up of manufacturers bits giving figure individuality

  9. Now I have to watch that movie again! Lovely painted figures!
