Sunday, 29 December 2024

From JP: Border Reiver Family 28mm (75 points)

Some of you may recall that last season I painted up a Bastle House for Elizabethan era Border Reivers. Well, I didn't get a lot further during the year as I was distracted by other projects and a lengthy spate of ill health (the joys of ageing). But I remain keen on the project and each figure has become a labour of love. 

Flags of War puts superb detail on its castings. The fact that they are meant to be used individually also drives me to getting a--l retentive about detail (not a word from you Frederick C about that being my normal modus operandi!).

The key family characters are provided in mounted and foot format. As such, I am offering the following:

5 x Mounted = 50 points

5 x Foot        = 25 points

Total             = 75 points

Getting the lance and the crossbow to stay in place on the mounted figure was a real challenge and now I have to hope they won't pop off too often - it was too small to pin!

I am really chuffed with these chaps and more will follow!

Thanks for taking a gander :-)


Lovely work on these Reivers JP. As you say these castings from Flags of War are a real treat and you've done them justice here with your clean brushwork and excellent basing. I look forward to seeing more of this project from you in the future.

- Curt


  1. Those are great, just the treat for cattle/sheep/women rustling and inspiring folk songs. Love the Jon H backdrop

  2. Excellent work JP. These chaps seemed armed and equipped for a fun New Years Eve...

  3. Really nice batch of figures Jp

  4. Lovely stuff JP - a period I have long wanted to delve into

  5. Great looking group of figures, JP. Well done.

  6. Nice work on these lovely figures.

  7. Great revers JP. Should be fun rustling all manner of items not firmly attached to something. Well done.

  8. Excellent group of Reivers. Time to round up the animals and bar the doors!

  9. These are snazzy. I think the gentleman with the morion helmet and the pistol is my favorite. An echo of modernity amongst his more traditional fellows.

  10. Very well done! The subdued colour scheme works a treat

  11. Very nice work - great looking figures.

  12. Great painting, you've made some excellent colour choices!

  13. Great painting - these sculpts are very nice indeed and your paintjob brings them to life nicely.

  14. Nice painting on a superb range of figures

  15. I like them. Great work on the armor!
