Wednesday, 29 January 2025

From BruceR - Twenty Six 28mm AWI Grenadiers (130 points)

For my Wednesday submission this week, I continue to flit from project to project.  A group I game with on the eastern part of the state in Fargo will run a Concord refight in April.  When word went out I was set, as I have a fairly large continental force for skirmish level games such as "Muskets and Tomahawks", which is the rule set chosen.  I've only played this set of rules once, and the 1st edition.  My crown forces are Hessians, except for some light bobs.  

Enter the bane of many lead gatherers, Ebay.  While wandering through the shopping halls of Evilbay, I found these Front Rank crown troops and for a very reasonable price.  I enjoy these figures and getting them from across the pond is a bit cost prohibitive.  I bit and the post delivered shortly thereafter.  A large portion of my current force is Front Rank so they fit right in.  

Only a couple of poses, with a commander, a trooper taking a hit, a trooper with a head bandage, and a drummer add a little mix to the unit.

I approached these a little different.  Normally I'll black undercoat.  I looked around and I had some airbrush basecoat in a terracotta color.  Why not, as red and white are tough colors to cover over black.  Break out the airbrush as living in the North there is no spraying outside.  Base coated and then hit them with a zenithal coat of white hitting the upper areas of the miniatures.  Airbrush work done.

I tackle troops in a eight packs, this is my comfort zone for getting blocks of painting done in a sitting.  For the red and black I used Army Painter Speed paints.  The remainder are a mix of Vallejo and Army Painter acrylics.  

Once blocked in I used a mix of a wash created by Sonicsledghammer from YouTube.  This is a little lighter than the Army Painter dark tone.  I highlighted white areas, face, and did a light dry brush on the fur hats.  Next paint and dry brush the base grit.  Glue, static grass, and tufts.  Done.  

I went for painting the unit as the 23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers as they seemed to fight in most battles during the war.  My blue for the cuffs, etc is slightly lighter, but dark blue would simply look black on the game table so I tend to lighten up the colors for the 3' rule.  

I didn't paint the two flag carriers as I don't yet have flags and the skirmish style games of Sharp Practice and Muskets and Tomahawks do not usually have flags in units.  I'll likely get them done later as the rule of cool will require it.  

23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers Grenadiers:


26 28mm @ 5     =     130 pts

Thanks for looking.


"I continue to flit from project to project"

Let me assure you Bruce, you have come to the right place! These grenadiers look wonderful. Is there a finer sight than grenadiers going to battle wearing some manner of insane headgear and glorious uniforms? My favourite grenadiers are the classic Austrian ones from the Napoleonic era, but any chap marching out in a bearskin shako is surely as fine a miniature soldier as one can hope for on our tabletop battlefields.

130 points well-earned.



  1. Lovely work, they look like veterans.

  2. Fine looking troops Bruce, evil bay can be handy sometimes!

  3. Fabulous looking lobster backs Bruce!


  4. Ha, not heard the lobster back quote for a while. Thanks.

  5. Top stuff, a different colour undercoat is a great idea!

  6. Ooh those are nice. Always great to see lace wars figures

    1. Thanks. Lacey pain but happy when finished.

  7. Those grenadiers look fabulous Bruce. Love those crazy looking bearskins.
