Wednesday, 29 January 2025

From SylvainR: 28mm More Giants for D&D (45 points)


Another band of giants. I painted them as a "band" (or a "horde"), with similar color patterns and bases. All these miniatures are from Reaper, are made of vinyl and were part of the miniatures exchange with JeremyM. Again, all these models are looking downward (probably at some helpless party of heroes), which is fine on the table, but it looks odd when taking pictures, as you can see in the photo above. Below is a size comparison between one of the giants and the fat cleric.

First, we have a giant with a bone sword. Because his weapon was really crooked when I put him together, I had to give him the heat gun treatment. Despite being very careful, I melted some of the "teeth" on the lower part of his sword.  With a huge fur cloak covering his shoulders, the back of this giant does not have much details to offer.

The next giant is equipped with a "konda" sword as tall as two normal humans. Note the treasure chest attached to his bum.

I wanted each giant to wield a different kind of sword. So I watched this video on Youtube and gave a try at what I wanted to be a sword crackling with magic. In the end, I find that the weapon looks more like a scifi "power sword". However, I like how the runes are highlighted by the energy within the sword.

Finally, giant number 4 was given a heat sword and I used the techniques described in the video mentioned above. I used multiple layers of diluted orange and red on a blade painted yellow, then used a sponge with black paint to simulate the cooler parts of the blade.

Points claimed:

4 x 54mm foot figurines at 10 points each = 40 points

Total = 40 points

Thanks for reading!


Another fantastic fantasy foray for you Sylvain! The sword effects are all impressive, and I hope you are pleased with the results. No doubt the adventuring party will marvel at how cool the swords are shortly before these giants but the blades to work...

The "heat" effect is probably my favorite, but the crackling one looks awesome too. I can see why you might be thinking "sci-fi" on that - my brain has similar wiring - but absent the usual sci-fi prompts (like some manner of power pack near the blade or on the hilt etc) I think this is firmly a fantasy outcome, particular the in the context of his fellow band/horde members.

I shall award a bonus of five points for messing around with sword-painting-tutorial stuff - great work on your part to give them a go! 



  1. You nailed the heat effect. The sword effects are a great way to add more character to the figures.

  2. Wonderful work Sylvain! I really like the 'magma' effect on that sword. That dude needs to be wearing oven mitts to use it!

  3. I agree with others, the heat sword is great! And what is the difference between power and magic sword?

  4. Great work on all those swords!

  5. Excellent brushwork, especially on the fiery sword!!!

  6. All are great Sylvain. I had the same trouble with the flaccid bone sword as well. Tough to fix. I do like the crackling power weapon and the fire effect is great.

  7. Lovely work on these always problematic Bones figures. I find that they droop so much that they must have osteoporosis
