Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Welcome to Tuesdays!

I am Minion Paul, abased Servant of Snowlord Curt, and I will guide you through the weekly Tuesday realm

I will consider your submissions, rewarding and punishing accordingly. So Tuesdays can be Inferno, Purgation or Paridiso, according to your efforts. You have been warned...

This is my third cycle as Minion, with a couple of guest appearances as Duels Wallah thrown in also. It's also the first time in 10 years that I haven't participated myself, having recently relocated to a deserted tropical island in a different hemisphere (OK, its hardly deserted, but I don't own a brush or pot of paint at the moment so you get the point!)

Actual image from the pre-Challenge Minions' conference, at Snowlord's palace of the damned (Absent:Lady Sarah)

Who better than a grumpy, non-painting Minion to ensure the Tuesday crew get the full Inferno experience! Bwahahahah! I might change the spelling in your submission to proper King's English, or even (gasp!) use the metric system; True Devilry!

Seriously, there are some great submissions today with wonderful variety in subjects and topics. I'm looking forward to working with the talented Tuesday crew during the Challenge.

Let the paint flow!


Tuesday Minion

PS Its a bit weird doing this from almost the same time zone as Curt - for us antipodeans its usually 17 hrs and the international dateline between us, which requires a bit of weekly mental math!


  1. Thank you for your commitment, Paul!

  2. Hahaha! Brilliant stuff Paul. I envy your new digs. I thought the Minions' Conference went quite well actually (apart from the constant screaming and no A/C). Peter even brought up donuts and coffee from the Ninth Circle, good man. Have a good one, mate!

  3. Time is an illusion … unless your on GMT when it’s the correct one!

  4. Alas my my hobby ADHD made my desk a mess of overly optimistic outcomes...and OT at work. Multiple works inbound next week...unless I keep adding more minis!

  5. Thanks Paul for the leading the Tuesday crew out of time forsaken mists and thru the hells and heavens for our grand quest to slay the grey!

  6. Thanks for your Service Paul, always need someone to pull the strings in the background !

