Friday, 3 January 2025

From LeeH: Russian Jӓgers & Officer 1812 [95 Points]

Originally I was only going to do two of these units but when I looked at the packs of models I had I realised I had enough ‘spares’ to make a third unit. So here I present three units of Russian Jӓgers in skirmish formation with an officer to lead them.

Russian Jägers were light infantry known for being superior marksmen and agile fighters. They could form line units (indeed I intend to add a Jäger Line unit to my force later) but their primary use was skirmishing in open order. In many ways, their uniform was very similar to that of regular line/musketeer units. The main visible differences were black leather belts rather than the white of musketeers and grenadiers, and dark green breeches rather than white. These models all wear the soft forage cap which was used, as far as I can tell, by most branches of infantry. Indeed North Star (who make these figures) describe them as Musketeers/Jägers so they could be used for either type, just with different colour belts showing the difference.

Next on my desk are more infantry but I have already started to assemble and prime a 12pdr artillery piece and crew from Perry Miniatures. Lovely looking models and I’m looking forward to working on that in a week or two.

(Scoring: 19x28mm Foot = 95 Points)

Again, some excellent work on these Napoleonic Russians, Lee! The project seems to trundle along quite happily. I really like these North Star figures, and you have done them proud. Well done, and 95 points it is.



  1. Nice cold sensation. Love that snow!

    1. It's just Woodland Scenics snow mixed with PVA. Sets nice and hard.

  2. Very chill, Lee! It is nice to see you and Ray progress this project on consecutive days.

  3. Great Russians Lee! Your really putting the pressure on Ray!


  4. Nice looking Jaegers. The soft caps make a nice way to differentiate them from other infantry.

  5. Beautiful work on these Jaegers, Lee! Love the sabot basing too!

  6. Excellent work on those luvvly Ruskies Lee!

  7. Nice looking Russians. An impressive project for this challenge.

  8. Lovely addition to the force Lee!

  9. Continued excellent work Lee. Well done.

  10. Very nice, love the bases.

  11. Love the paint job on these. Genuinely makes me feel cold!

  12. suitably cool miniatures - lee I like the colours with the overall grey and red highlights yet you still managed to get that winter look to work - impressive
