Friday, 17 January 2025

From MattT: Protect the Eagle (35 points)

With this post I am adding a few more bits to The Silver Bayonet Project.

First up is a trio of wolves that I painted in the same palette as the wolf pelts on my vampire. I'm not sure how they feel about him wearing their siblings but it ties the models together nicely.

Next are some additions to my zombie horde. After the first post I felt they needed an eagle, so i bashed on together with plastic Napoleonic and zombie parts. Also created a little guard to keep it safe.

Lastly a group shot.

7 x 28mm = 35 pts

Your Silver Bayonet project is really moving forward with these figures, Matt! The wolves look great, and suitably hungry. I find your Napoleonic zombies rather... disturbing, as a French Napoleonic aficianado, but also very creative and well done! The eagle and its guard will surely lead your hordes on to glory, if not honour. 35 points it is.



  1. Love the wolves. Whilst fantasy is not my bag, I do love the conversion work you have done. Really nice

  2. Protect “brains” the eagle. Hard for zombies to stay focused. Great project. We enjoy TSB.

  3. These look awesome. Bashing together Nap parts and Zombies is great fun, these look particularly good.

  4. Your zombies conversions are great.

  5. Creepy and cold...great work.

  6. Great storytelling amnd painting!

  7. Really enjoying this project!
