Friday, 17 January 2025

From EdwardG: More Swiss than you can shake a chocolate stick at (100 points)

Hej all, 

As of the posting of this entry, I'm now officially one week away from leaving for the SAGA tournament where I will be playing my Swiss force for the first time :S

Luckily, as the supplement was shipped only a few days ago, I'm going with the hope that no one else has managed to practice with their warbands. So it's hopefully going to be a level playing field on that basis at least 8)

But being only 1 week from getting on the plane does mean that I'm very tight for the minis that I can get finished. 

So far this week I've managed 12 crossbow armed Levies, and artillery piece, and two flag holders!

All are Perry Miniatures, with minor conversions as before. I'm hoping I can get a final picture of the force before I pack everyone up. If not it'll be action shots from the day ;)


12 x 28mm Crossbowmen = 60pts

2 x 28mm flag holders = 10pts

1 x artillery piece = 10pts

4 x artillery crew = 20pts

Total = 100pts! 

Hope to see you all next week with my final last minute (I mean perfectly punctual) Swiss!!



Some goodlooking Swiss, Ed! I hope you will do well in your tournament, and I'd love to see some photos of your complete force. 100 points added to your total.


  1. Good luck at the tournament and - most importantly - have fun!

  2. Nice work on your Swiss. Hope you have fun with the new list.

  3. Great stuff. I never tire of seeing old artillery. Looks so cool

  4. The gun and crew are indeed a great little vignette, top notch composition

  5. Awesome artillery. Those flags are huge!

  6. Luvvly work. The flags are beauties!

  7. Nice work! Those flags really pop, and I like the backdrop for the photos too, very thematic. Good luck with your tournament.

  8. Good luck at the tourney! I like the flags and the early artillery piece.

  9. I do like a Swiss force and their lovely flags

  10. Fabulous work Ed! Love the scary artillery and the bannermen. Best of luck with your upcoming tourney! Please remember to take pics for us. :)

  11. Those are some marvellous flags Ed

  12. Love these. That’s a great gun from Perry’s. Where did you source the flags? Warflags?

  13. Very well done! Flags and basing really add to the overall look
