Friday, 31 January 2025

From PeterB - Old World Empire additions (140 points)

This week I am not claiming any location bonus. I have just been concentrating on some additions for my Old Work Empire army. Our local club is playing a lot of Old World, so it won't be long before these models are failing miserably in combat.
Firstly the Hellblaster Volley gun and crew. 

Next up, a model with some vintage, a Unicorn knight on foot.

I love this old model, it was in a mixed bag of items I got from somewhere and has been sat in my bits box for a while. It makes a great addition to the army as a Champion or Captain, Sadly I could not find a shield in my bits box with a unicorn head, but I shall keep looking. For now, the lion will have to do.

Some more Warlord games Landsknecht, this time with handguns and crossbows make up two units of line troops.

And finally, the Landsknecht box has enough parts for thirty models, so a couple of the spares with some parts from my bits box make up an Engineer and a standard bearer for my Longswords from a couple of weeks ago.

So that is 26 x 28mm models for 130 points and 10 points for the gun.

Total 140 points.

The Old World seems to be very popular since its release. Looking at these figure one can easily understand why, they have a very old style fantasy feel about them. The models themselves are very nice, and you have done a fine job with them, Peter! I like your lion unicorn knight, and the Hellblaster Gun is aways a favourite. Nice! 140 points it is.



  1. Old World Redux. Great memories here, that old hellblaster misfired for me many a times. Cheers and good luck.

  2. Good job, Peter! Loving the Oldhammer Old World Gun especially.

  3. Good stuff. I know a few armies that could do with a battery of those guns. Nice sharp painting:)

  4. Bet the hellblaster would be hellish to face on the table!

  5. Those old figures always look great and your paintjob enhances them

  6. That Hellblaster is so nostalgic.

  7. Good batch of figures! Well done!
