Saturday, 25 January 2025

From QuinnM: Heresy and Stormcast Eternals - 40k/AOS (110 points)

 From QuinnM: Heresy and Stormcast Eternals - 40k/AOS (110 points)

Once more onto the breach and this week I have heresy and storm cast eternals

So for heresy I immediately had an idea when I saw it for the painting challenge. It has taken me until now to do it. Paint a primaris space Marine... Laugh here.... For some people that would be enough for the heresy, but I decided to go a step further. I ended up carving out the face and swapping in a female Stormcast eternal face I had lying around. And painting it the colors of a trans flag because we all know a female space Marine is truly heresy. I must give a thanks to one of my friends for letting me do this to their model. This is probably not what they expected when I asked if I could paint a couple of models for them. But they don't paint any of their models anyways so it'll be fine.

Up next we have my submission for violence or my lack thereof as this was the one that I was struggling the most with in hell for ideas and this was one of the last remaining models I needed to paint up for a tournament list that I will be attending  the day this goes live. I decided to use it to skip through violence. This is an Ivaneth Deepkin that is part of the Black Talons. This model was hard for me to start painting which is why I put it off so long. And is the Ivaneth Deepkin have a very particular look to them and I've been keeping for my Stormcast Army a very much following traditional paint schemes as they are what got me into painting. So I wished for it to follow the traditional Ivaneth paint schemes with colourful metallic armour. I tried some things and eventually got something I was happy with: a mix of 3-1 polished silver and Royal robes speed paints. With some careful brush work to get the raised parts in a Gold. Also, the pastel colors on the robes were hard to get right and I mixed paints together several times to get the exact colors I wanted.

Overall, I'm very happy with final results.

These two prosecutors I painted up almost 2 weeks ago now but saved to post them for this post as I knew there would be a bunch of Stormcasts in it. I applied some of these suggestions that I got from my dad and the comments on darkening in between the metallic feathers a little bit as well as using more layers and more glazes to get the wing flames Just that little cleaner of a gradient.

Up next to have the remaining storm cast that I am not the most proud of as I did have to paint them relatively quickly, but they are certainly tabletop ready. We have three Vanguard Raptors with long shot crossbows some of the best units in the Stormcast roster. As well as five Vigilars that were already done but painted in a different style as I was doing some experimentation many months ago and weren't happy with them so they got re-primed over and fully repainted a week before my tournament as they are being a run in a unit of 10 I painted them up to match some of my earliest paint jobs, but applying some of these skills I learned they painted up a lot faster and are even cleaner than some of my older models.   

10x 28mm footman @5 each = 50 points
 2x 28mm mounted @10 each = 20 points
 Heresy = 20 points
 Violence Sarah = 20 points

Sylvain: This week, you gave us a nice selection of shiny armors. The metallic colors are vibrant and rich. I also like how you put lost of work into your bases. Each base enhances your paint jobs as it shows you take care of every little details. Excellent showcasing of your talent this week! And good luck for your gaming tournament!


  1. Nice pictures mate, but the text is completely unreadable for some reason.

  2. Must be something with this post. I can hardly read the text and the pictures are very small.
    When I click on the pictures to enlarge them I see a lot of wonderful painted figures! Great work Quinn.

  3. Ditto. Some excellent painting though

  4. I don't know what the problem is. Did the same thing as I normally do but looks like it's fixed now. Thank you!

  5. Nice work. I really like the prosecutors.

  6. Quinn your painting is truly top notch! Those Stormcadts are awesome, more so becsuse thry are not the standard goldsn boys.

  7. Great work and heresy figures.

  8. Great work Quinn! I have some prosecutors to paint too and I hope mine look as good. The highlighting on the cloak is top notch too.
