For this week I have another batch of High Elves spearmen and a lone prosecutor.
9x28mm footman = 45 points
For this batch I got a little faster painting them by changing what order I painted the colors and made a few alterations to the washes I used to get a little more color variation from them. I am happy with the final result.
As for the prosecutor I wanted something other then the elves for this post so I painted this guy. They are one of my favourite models in the Age of Sigmar line despite the tactical rock. they are a little hard for me to paint with the very small trim on there wings but it is worth the time to do. I am never happy with the "Flames' on there wings and fell like it is missing something any recommendations for the rest of the unit.
Sylvain: Good work on these models! The High Elves look neatly painted. I like the charm of old static Warhammer models. The Prosecutor looks impressive and you did the model justice with the wide palette of colors you used on him. You forgot to claim points for the latter, and I will give him 10 points, considering the wings are worth a mount. Nicely done!
Just a quick note: please don't forget to enter your labels.
Great work Quinn. Not a fan of AoS but I really like that flying fella - great brushwork.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I do prefer fantasy over AOS but there Is way less of a community for fantasy.
ReplyDeleteThose High Elves look suitably haughty and solid, good job. The prosecutor is looking very fine indeed. Nice!
ReplyDeleteReally nice brushwork and colours on the winged creature
ReplyDeleteGreat job with the wings and making the varying colors in them look a cohesive whole.
ReplyDeleteThose high elf spearmen look quite stern. Nice!
Very nice work!
ReplyDeleteGreat work on the elves. I think the wings have a very nice transition as they are but you could try a final edge of the wing highlight with more white mixed in if you want more pop.
ReplyDeleteExcellent work Quinn on the prosecutor and the elves are boss. Nice colors all about.
ReplyDeleteFine brushwork Quinn, fits in so nicely with the AoS "look". The tactical rock is a growing plague on GW sculpting, but can be pretty dramatic at times. But does that fellow hold up OK on the table? Even if he doesn't, he sure looks great!
ReplyDeleteAnd those old High! Major nostalgia :)